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"That's such a villainous quirk you got there."
"I'd rather be quirkless than have a quirk like that."
"Your parents must be ashamed to have a son like you."
"Quit dreaming of being a hero. All you'll ever be is a waste of space."

"GASP" Y/N awoke with a cold sweat. Nightmares had been plaguing his mind ever since he found out about his quirk. Everyone around him relentlessly bullied and segregated him. He felt a chill run down his spine and he had a feeling something bad was going to happen. Suddenly he heard... BOOM. He waited a few moments, pondering about whether he should check on what the source of the booming sound was or not. Ultimately, he decided to leave his room and ran outside to check what was going on in his family's estate. The sight that greeted him was terrifying. The dead bodies of butlers and maids littered the ground and blood painted the walls. Some corpses were burnt beyond recognition. He scurried around the estate, desperately looking for his parents. He finally saw them from a distance, looking frantic. His mother, immediately noticed him and ran towards him, enveloping him in a crushing hug. His father joined in shortly after.

"What's going on?" he asked after a few seconds.
"Listen Y/N, there's no time, you have to get out of here."
"What?! No, I can't just leave you guys!"
Y/N looked toward the distance and saw many heroes approaching the scene. 
'Great! The heroes are here, they can finally save us from this mess.' Y/N thought. He was shocked to see the heroes engage in battle with his father, who was a hero along with his mother.
"It's too late! They're already here!" Y/N's mother grit her teeth as she noticed the approaching heroes battling her husband. "Listen Y/N, you have to get out of here. Run and don't stop no matter what."
"W-Why are the heroes doing this? Aren't they supposed to save people?"
"There's no time to explain! Run Y/N! No matter what, remember we'll always love you!"
She pushed Y/N to run as she herself joined her husband in battling the heroes. 
Y/N ran as fast as his little legs could take him. Tears streamed down his face as he looked back at his parents. Little did he know, that would be the last time he'd ever see them...

Y/N continued running, slowing down and eventually coming to a stop when he ran out of energy. Thinking he was far enough from his estate to be safe, he decided to take a bit of rest to replenish his stamina until... CRASH. A few meters away, Y/N saw All Might crash into the ground with a massive crater at the source. 
'D-Damn it. How'd they find me?'
"Enough running young man. This is the end." All Might's voice boomed as he rose up from the crater.
All Might slowly approached the boy, about to attack him until...

A wall of blue flames separated All Might from Y/N.
"Hurry up, we gotta get outta here kid!" Y/N turned to the source of the voice and saw a teen with black hair and some burn marks on his skin. Y/N, choosing between either guaranteed death or running away with a stranger, chose the latter and immediately jumped onto the young teens back and drifted off into unconsciousness. They quickly ran off as the young teen let out more blue flames to keep the number 1 hero distracted. All Might let out a burst of air to clear out the flames only to find Y/N gone.
"Damn it! How could I let them escape?!"

Y/N awoke in an unknown place. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He looked to his side and saw the young teen who saved him earlier.
"Who are you? Why'd you save me?" he asked.
"You can call me Dabi. It seems both of us have suffered in the hands of those heroes. What do you say we work together and take them down?" the teen responded.
"I'll annihilate those pathetic heroes and destroy this society." Y/N spat in response and Dabi smirked, hearing his answer. 

Wrath of Darkness (My Hero Academia x Male Villain Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora