Chapter III

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Hero Association

"So Mirko. What kind of villain did you face to get those injuries? You may not be a top 10 hero but it'd take a pretty monstrous villain to beat the likes of you." Hawks asked as he turned to the injured hero.
"..." Mirko paused for a few seconds before answering. "Y/N L/N."
Silence filled the room. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 

"So how strong was he?"
"What were his abilities?"
"What was he like?" 
The heroes swarmed Mirko with questions as she started feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"Silence!" The number one hero called out. "Let her talk."
The heroes paused with their onslaught of questions.
"He was extremely powerful. He seemed like he was just toying with me and even then I only landed one attack which barely fazed him. To be honest, I'm not sure if even All Might could stand against him if he went at full power." Mirko said, making the heroes' jaws drop. 
"So he's gotten that strong..." All Might said gritting his teeth. 
???: "This is all your fault All Might." A voice from the end of the table said.
This made all the heroes quiet down and turn to the source of the voice.
???: "If you'd done your job and finished off the last member of the L/N family, we wouldn't have to be worrying about this. Number One Hero my ass." The voice said angrily.
"I-I'm terribly sorry sir." All Might stuttered. 
"Tch. Useless Symbol of Peace." He muttered. "Go on Mirko. What were the abilities of Y/N L/N?"
"From the little showcase I got, he seems to be able to produce darkness and use it in the form of beam attacks. He could also forcefully pull me toward him or make a ball of darkness which can pull people and objects toward him." Mirko answered.
???: "Interesting. The little information we got about his abilities was the fact that he could produce darkness. He's killed almost every hero he's engaged in battle with. But something's off about all this. Why would he allow you to live, knowing that you'd tell the heroes about his abilities? Initially I'd guess that he let you live out of respect for your strength but something gives me the feeling that he plans on making a move soon." The man said, astonishing all the heroes.

"So what should we do now?" Endeavor finally decided to take part in the conversation.
???: "We should wait for Y/N L/N to make his move. When the time comes, all the heroes will attack him at once and finish him off. Even if he tries to expose what happened that night, there's no way the public would believe him. Those ignorant fools will believe anything we feed them. For now you are all dismissed." He said, ending the meeting and allowing all the heroes to leave.


League of Villains Hideout

"We can take a look at the Entrance Exams. It should help us have a good idea of what we'll be up against when we invade UA." Tomura said in a raspy voice.
"When is this Entrance Exam?" Y/N asked boredly.
"3 months from now." Tomura replied.
"3 months?! What am I supposed to do until then? Will any bigshot heroes be there?" Dabi asked.
"I don't think so. Even then, UA is extremely heavily guarded. We can't attack so recklessly. For all we know, there could be heroes in some nearby building. On top of that, they have pretty advanced security that outsiders from easily warping in." Tomura answered.
"Tch. Damn heroes playing the victim card whenever we attack them. They're the ones with all the advanced technology while we have nothing." Dabi continued, angrily.
"That's why they've been able to control this society for so long. That's why we'll put an end to this madness and create our own, just society." Y/N responded. Dabi just nodded in response.
"By the way, how do you guys plan on infiltrating UA if they have counter mechanism to warping quirks?" Y/N asked.
"Oh don't worry about that. Master told us we have a little traitor among the new batch of students." Tomura responded. 
"Among the new batch? But isn't the new batch going to be decided after the entrance exams take place?" 
"Yes. This traitor will take the entrance exams and get into UA."
"But what if they fail? Then our whole plan will be in shambles." 
"Don't worry, Master assured me that this student is strong enough to get into UA. I trust Master so whatever he says, I'll believe."
"You sure seem to rely on this master. What's his name?"
"Since you're now with us, I suppose there's no point in hiding it anymore. Master's name is All For One."

Y/N couldn't hide the shock on his face when he heard that name. He'd heard stories of this monster from his parents. He knew how powerful the man was.
"If you've had All For One on your side for so long, why haven't you launched an attack on the heroes all this time?" Y/N asked curiously.
"Many years ago, Master went toe-to-toe with All Might and dealt him a severe injury. One that continues to plague All Might's body to this day. But as a result of the battle, Master was also severely injured himself." 
"I see. In other words, All Might is now injured enough for us to go in and kill him ourselves."
"Good..." Y/N grinned. Suddenly bloodlust began emanating from his body. Tomura and Kurogiri felt weighed down by the pressure. 'W-What the hell is this?!' They both thought.
"Say Tomura." Y/N began as Tomura and Kurogiri felt the pressure disappear. "How about we battle? I'd like to let out some steam."
"A-Alright." Tomura responded fearfully. He was scared about what Y/N would do if he hadn't accepted the battle.

They all walked towards a white training room where Y/N and Tomura both stood on opposite sides. Kurogiri and Dabi sat to the side, away from where all the action would happen. On one side, Tomura got into a battle stance, ready to pounce at Y/N at any given moment. On the opposing side, Y/N merely looked at Tomura, as if not taking him seriously. 
'This bastard! How dare he not take me seriously. I'll show him that he messed with the wrong guy.'
"You may begin." Kurogiri announced from the side.
Tomura immediately dashed at Y/N, getting ready to attack him but Y/N sent a few dark energy balls at him, keeping him busy. Tomura dodged them all except for the last one which landed clean on his face, launching him a few meters away. 'Damn that hurt. I can tell he's not even taking me seriously either.' Tomura got up and started running at Y/N even faster this time but just as he was approaching him, he was sent flying away as a dark spike came out of the ground and hit him clean. 'Damn it! Every time I get close he sends that stupid dark matter at me. I gotta bait out his attack.' Tomura ran at Y/N one more time, this time running side to side so it'd be harder for Y/N to land a clean attack. As he got closer, he predicted that Y/N would use a spike attack again and this time, he jumped back right before the spike could hit him. While Y/N was distracted, Tomura ran at him and put his hand on his stomach. 'Yes! I've won.' Tomura waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
"H-Huh? Why is nothing happening?"
Suddenly Y/N's body fell started started falling down while turning into dark matter.
"What the hell is happening?!" Tomura shouted.
"You fell into my trap." Tomura heard from behind him. Before he could turn around and face the source, he was blasted with a condensed beam of dark energy. He fell unconscious as he crashed into the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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