✦【ᗷᗩIՏIᑕ IᑎᖴO】✦

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Kujou, [Name]

Vision: Electro

Weapon: Polearm

Nation: Liyue

Relatives: Zhongli (adoptive father), Kujou Sara (elder cousin)

Age: 23

Story: You are known as Liyue's trickster and the Kujou clan's outcast. Normally you're out plotting pranks, running errands for Zhongli, or training with Xiao. Or Childe. Your plotting only comes around when you get placed with Xingqu, Childe, or Hu Tao. To Xingqu you're like an older sister. Same goes with Hu Tao. You enjoy pulling pranks on the citizens of Liyue, alongside one of the three. Though you have full availability to live your own life, you choose to stay with your adoptive father, Zhongli.

You were an accident. Most of us are. Your father got your mother, Kujou Ming, pregnant in Inazuma. He left almost immediately after he found out she was pregnant with you. Not ready to care for a child on her own she went to Liyue and dropped you off at a good friends place. Zhongli hadn't told you anything about this until you were 15.

Occupation: You have an occasional job of helping out at the adventure's guild. And sometimes with Childe's dirty work

How you got your vision:

Once when you were 13, you were partying late at a friend's. It was time for you to leave, your friend and their mother offered to take you home but you declined. As you were walking you passed a lady wrapped in dirty, ragged blankets. There was a cup in front of a cardboard sign that said 'Any spare mora will do'. The woman was asleep so you quietly dropped a few mora into the cup.

As you walked away you smiled at the woman. Just as you turned the corner a group of suspicious people walked past you headed the way of the lady. You kept walking but something in your gut told you to turn around and check on the lady. You stood still debating if you should look or keep walking. Just a peek.. You thought to yourself.

You tip-toed to the corner and peeked your head around. You watched as one of the guys who walked past you shook the woman awake. Curious, you kept watching. Once the lady woke up she rubbed her eyes before speaking. "Jin? Jin are you here? Is that you? Have you finally come to help?" she cried half asleep. Jin? The man who shook her awake stood up as another one crouched down.

You watched carefully, making sure to stay silent. The one crouched reached for their pocket and pulled out a dagger. You let out a silent gasp now much more worried. Now that you looked closer at the people you realized it was a group of treasure hoarders. You scanned your surroundings looking for someone or maybe something to use as a weapon. It was none of your business what was happening, but you needed to help.

You'd die of guilt if you left knowing she might've died and you could've at least helped a bit. You took notice of a very beat up pole on the curb of some stairs. It wasn't the best but It'd have to do for now. "Drop the act hag, you're gunna tell us just where Jin is or you're as good as dead." he sneered. Act? You poked your head out a bit more to get a clearer veiw.

"Please! Just leave me alone! I swear I don't know the whereabouts of Jin!" she wept backing more into the wall. "Fine, be that way. Your innocent Jin will just have to live knowing his mother died because he kept being a little bitch boy." he spat raising his dagger to swing. Your eyes widened and before your brain could process it your body moved by itself. You grabbed the pole, and darted towards the treasure hoarder.

You stepped to his side, dug your heels into the gravel under you, and swung the pole putting all of your body weight into it. Almost falling with him, you stumbled being caught by the woman. You we're shaking, terrified, of the remaining enemies in front of you. They all stood stunned for a few seconds before shifting the confusion into anger.

"Ma'am, please run! I'll be okay, promise! I've had training with polearms so I should be just fine!" you shouted hoping someone else would hear you other than just the hoarders and the woman. The woman thanked you quickly running away. The largest hoarder, seemingly the leader, ordered one of them to chase after the woman.

You cursed internally, part of you hoping the woman would've stayed and helped. Now, 13 year old you stood up against 3-4 treasure hoarders. One of them held a shovel, another stood more off to the side with a bow, and the last wielded a blue....bottle? Oh dear archons save me.... Not very shortly you lay beaten black and blue. The one you knocked out woke up just as you thought it couldn't get worse.

They spoke with him and agreed he'd get the finishing kill. He took out his dagger and smirked looking down at you. "It's a shame. Could've grown up and worked for us. Too bad you won't make it." he snickered. He swung with all his might with a quick 'shing' sound. He stabbed something alright.

But when he looked down there wasn't a young girl there anymore. It was just dirt. He looked back at the others confused. Within seconds, a purple blur speed past each of them. As the blur passed each hoarder, they fell to the ground. Scared the last one tried to run. Before he could move a girl with purple lightning surrounding her hands, stood before him.

You simply jabbed him in the stomach and he fell, passed out. Tired you attempted walking home. Just as you were passing the last hoarder you clutched the purple object in your hand. An electro vision? You looked up one last time before loosing consciousness.

Xiao, rushing to the scene with the lady, caught you before you fell. He smiled softly patting your head.

"Good work little one."

That's all you need for now!

Next chapter: Punishment

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