Chapter 10

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- Still Jack's POV-

For some reason Oli and Zack put me in a car. I guess this was part of the whole "getting revenge" thing. But I don't understand why Zack had to bring Oli along, I haven't done anything to him. Maybe he needed back up, not sure why because I'm only good at back talking.
I leaned forward to where Zack and Oli were sitting and asked, "Where are we going?" Zack replied, "You'll see." I leaned back in my seat; the thing is I'm not good at waiting and I wanted to know now. But I know they were not going to tell me anytime soon. "Can you turn on some Blink-182? We need some noise in this car or else I might just start kicking your seats for fun," I grumbled.
Oli looked in the car mirror and turned on AC/DC. I was fine with that, at least it was something. I looked out the window and then it came to me. Oh my God I was so stupid! I quietly slid closer to the door and waited for the right time. I know we were out far from where we live but I have no problem hitchhiking or walking back some. I quickly opened the door, tumbled out and rolled onto the dirt ground.
I scrambled up and quickly took off running in the opposite direction of which their car was going. I was in the middle of nowhere. There were no buildings. There were barley any cars. I had no where to go, but it was better than staying in that car. At least for me.
*Alex's POV*
I couldn't l couldn't get a hold of Jack at all. I wanted to go to the mall or something with him. I heard Blink-182 was on a magazine cover and I wanted to get it before it was all sold out. But I wasn't about to go to the mall alone, that would seem weird.
I picked up my phone and dialed Jack's number for the fourth time, and as I expected, it rang but went to voicemail. "Uh, hey you've reached my voicemail. Leave a message I guess and I'll get back to you." I said mimicking what Jack said at the end. I sat on my bed and wondered where he could be. He said he usually goes home after school and doesn't do much unless someone invites him to go places.
Or he could be with Vic. They have become pretty good friends. But what if they're fucking, I started to worry. "Oh god," I whispered to myself, "It is impossible, all the school knows that Vic and Kellin have something going on so Jack can't be with Vic. But what if they are." I groaned in frustration and threw my head back on my pillow.
Maybe Jack just lost his phone, yeah that's it, he lost it. I bet he'll feel bad once he finds it. He will see all of my calls and he will know I've been worrying about him. Then he will call me back, apologize, and then we will go back to normal. Maybe we can even talking about going public. But I have to reach him first, where could he be?

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