Chapter 20.

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Alex walked into Scott's house, they all stood around a strange woman.

"What happened?" She asked,

"Where did you go?" Lydia asked,

"Two of Monroes goons beat the crap out of Liam trying to get him to angry, I had to fix some things"

Alex swallowed two pill, feeling the beginning of a headache that only wanted to grow stronger.

"Who did you hurt?" Isaac asked, sounding worried

Alex rolled her eyes "no one. Just threatened them lightly and told them that they had no authority over me"

"What happened in the tunnels today?" Scott asked,

Alex looked back at the strange woman "does she-..

"She knows"

"Well, my veins started turning and I felt a bit dizzy but nothing that hasn't happened before. I was fine when Lydia told me to leave"

"Has this happened before?" Isaac asked,

"This morning" Alex shrugged,

"Did you see anything"

"Uh, this faceless thing. It had no skin, but it was wearing clothes"

"You saw the inuk ite?" Lydia asked, her eyes wide.

Alex looked back, confused "so you aren't gonna tell me about the strange woman?"

"She says a deputy shot her" Isaac bared,

Alex's brows furrowed "a deputy? Are you supernatural"

She nodded "I'm a werewolf"

"It's Gerard right?" Scott asked,

Alex felt her head ache, she leaned against the counter. Her chest tightened with the memories of Gerard last massacre.

"It's obvious, he's training Monroe. He's doing it again" Isaac scoffed,

"Like he did with Jackson?" Lydia asked,

Alex let out a quiet breath, it shook with her hands.

"Exactly like he did with Jackson" Scott said, disappointed.

There was a moment of silence.

"Like he did with Allison" Scott added, solemnly.

Alex threw the glass against the wall. After the initial shock wore off, everyone brought their attention towards the shaking girl.

"Alex.." Lydia cautioned.

"He's doing it again" Alex blinked, wiping a tear before it got a chance to fall. "He's manipulating, lying, hurting people. And he's just going to get away with it, because hey. What better than the town that has put its population through hell and back and expected them to forget each time."

"Alex we will stop him" Scott reassured.

Alex laughed, "no we won't. He has beacon hill convinced we are the monsters. There is no coming back from this Scott, no amount of optimism or hope is fixing this problem. We should have just left this place while we got the chance because we are stuck here now."


Alex sat on the couch in Noah's office, her eyes hung heavy. God, she just wanted this all to end. She should have never stayed.

"I'm not letting them out. We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people."

"Hunters." Scott snapped

𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now