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That's what they'd say when they described my relationship with my husband. That single word that seemed to make something in me twitch.


A dark goopy skeleton tapped the wooden desk as he worked with a calm expression on his face. He was working late again and he knew his husband will get worried but he didn't mind that. He loved how cute he acted when he would greet him at the door. Soon the door opened which made him perk up as he looked over at the person at the door.

"Your working late again, how mean" A skeleton with blank eyes and black substance streaming down his cheek like tears. It was always neverending. The said skeleton approached him and held his hand out for him. "Let's get home shall we? My dear husband?"

Nightmare hummed and takes his hand. "Hm let's go then...." The two got up and started to sign out of the house as they began to walk to the parking lot joined hands, a golden wedding ring glistening and shining. It was so beautiful, so shiny, so expensive.

"Shall we get take out? I'm too tired to cook right now"

"Sure Killer, makes things quicker"

The two began getting into the car. Nightmare started the engine and they drove off to what 24 hour fast food place was open. The ride was silent the two staring at the street lights and the people having nightly walks and such. There was no traffic or anything anymore which was good. He hummed softly as the sound of the car engine was all they could hear as Killer stared at his phone silently.


His perfect relationship with his husband. Was it always like this? When did people ever start assuming that? And what was the feeling he was feeling?

He snapped out of his thoughts as his husband says something. "What?"

"I said order something already" he gestured to the mic thingy, they we're in a drive through. He looked at the microphone before he hummed. "Three cheese burgers and one Oreo Mcflurry" he said and soon drove to the other window and paid for the orders and soon waited for it to be done.

Killer sighed softly. "I can't wait to go home.....I'm sooo tired.." He stretched a bit as he sighed. Nightmare hummed in response.  "I suppose I wanna go home too as fast as possible..." He mumbled as he tapped the steering wheel impatiently.




The order was either taking forever or that time seemed to slow down just to piss him off. His tentacles would twitch and would squirm slightly as he was annoyed by how slow time was passing. At how those damn workers we're taking fucking forever, testing his patience.

Soon they gave him their orders and he just drove off as he started driving to their home. He stopped in front of the gate that lead to a huge mansion.

Killer pressed a button on the car and soon the gates opened and the car went in, the gates closing behind them. Nightmare parked the car and got out of it and locked the doors after Killer got out. He lead him inside the mansion as it was very silent, the lights off. Killer opened the lights. "We're home~" Killer called out.

Soon the sound of soft thuds we're heard, footsteps. Soon peaking through the doorway was a skeleton, smaller than the two, a lightening shaped scar on his face that glowed red. His eyes different colors as he stared at them.....

A chain dangling on his leg as he wore a big shirt....

Ah yes, he realized what that feeling was.....anger. he was angry no one could see who he truly loves, his husband, his perfect husband. Him and Killer we're angry no one could see who they truly loved. The one their really married to, as he wore the same matching ring as they did.

That husband was Cross, he was strong and smart and adorable. Everyone wanted him and they didn't want anyone to have him. They didn't want to have to do it but they had no choice. Cross was theirs and only theirs.

The said Oreo stumbled over and hugged Nightmare as he nuzzled him. "W-Why did you guys...t-take so long?" His voice was so soft, so fragile, so cute. Nightmare loved it. He hugged his waist gently and kissed his head. "We're sorry button.....I had extra work to do" he said in a hushed, calming voice. The said monochrome skeleton looked at him before he nodded hesitantly in understanding. Killer soon took Cross' hand and stared down at it as he notices purple and reddish marks on his fingers and knuckles. "Tsk got hurt again, darling? So impatient to see us~?" He placed soft kisses on the bruised and bloodied knuckles.

The monochrome skeleton flinched as he felt a sting of pain and just watched Killer comfort his fingers and knuckles with kisses. Nightmare hummed as he watched his partner comfort the smaller, he didn't mind at all as his tentacles held their food. He soon looked at Cross.

"Button, Since you've been such a good boy, we've brought you ice cream, Oreo flavored-"

"Your favorite~" Killer cut in as he cupped Cross' cheeks. His cheeks flushed a little and you could see the slight glitter of excitement in his face. The two taller skeletons always found that expression adorable on him. Killer couldn't help but kiss his face, which Cross' only accepted with a purple face. Nightmare picked them both up with his tentacles-The chain on Cross' leg jingling and dragging- as they walked over to the couch, first placing Killer down and then sitting and placing Cross on his own lap.

Killer huffed in disappointment at that but didn't protest as he just held Cross' hand. Nightmare wrapped an arm around the monochrome skeletons waist to keep him from slipping off. He gave Killer the bag of food and soon waited as Killer distributed the burgers. Cross stared at the burger, not unwrapping the plastic, seeming to be waiting for something. Nightmare grinned at that and kissed his cheek.

"Good boy~ you remember button~ you may eat~" Nightmare purred into Cross' non existent ear, making the smol shiver.

Cross quickly unwrapped his burger and started to dig in. Killer chuckled as he watched his husband dig into his food, getting some sauce on his face. "So adorable~" Killer purred as he took a bite of his own burger, still watching.

Nightmare, too, watched the monochrome skeleton intently as they dug into their burger. He was Happy that Cross was theirs, his. He would do anything in his power to keep it like that. Even murder.

It's not like he hasn't already done so

The happy couple enjoyed their meal together in silence as the silence of the mansion seemed to be so calming. Only the sounds of their wrappers could be heard.

What a magnificent marriage, it's almost.



WOAH- I've been dead

School is hectic and I forgot I even wrote books- this is a very rare accurance :3

Yeah so I don't remember what I was thinking back then when I wrote this- I just finished it anyways-

Yes it's a Killer x Nightmare x Cross thing

Do Nightmare and Killer love each other? No they just have a mutual agreement in sharing Cross who they love so dearly

Will I be active from now on? Probably not but I will try!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this!

Stay determined 💖

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