Your what?!

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Thomas's POV:

I was shocked. Why was my dad calling me. After all the things he's done to me. To my life.

''Son you there'' I was frozen I couldn't speak but i need to,but why should i talk to my dad that has ruined my life.

''uh.......y........yeah I'm here''

''I know your are wondering why i called you don't you , well you see its about your mum.....''. my mum whats so wrong with my mum that my dad had to call me.

''Okay whats wrong with her''

''shes in the hospital......she was in a car crash last night'' o my god my poor mum.''Is she okay''

''I'm sorry son but your mum........shes dead'' dead. my mum is dead no no no. she cant be why. ''oh...o.....okay well i have to go bye dad'' i said my voice cracking.

''Bye son love you''

''okay bye'' i know it will hurt him that i didn't say love you back but he needs to think about the past of what he did. he hurt me physically and emotionally. when i was about 13 I was trying to figure out myself if i was gay or not , but i did and i needed to tell my parents. when i told the my mom was fine with she said she was happy for me and that its fine.

As for my dad he was not happy. He yelled at me and told me things like ''I cant believe that my son is gay'' and ''You are a worthless as shit of a son you fucking faggot''. Thats what hurt me that he was diapointed in me.He the slapped me and all up until my last year of hight school he beat me , just because i was gay.

My eyes where blurry because of tears in my eyes. I cant get over that my mum is dead.

I hear a door close and i see Dylan at the door. He looks at me his face is full of concern. He sits next to me and i start to to cry. He wraps his arms around me and says ''Hey whats wrong Thomas baby''.

'''' I start to sobbed into his shoulder.

''Oh my god Thomas your going to be okay everything going to be okay''

''No...its...not'' I sobbed harder.'' to see him b...but...I'm afraid to'' Dylan knows what my dad did to me but i didn't tell him why my dad did it.

'' Hey its okay i will come with you okay don't worry Thomas. I'll aways be here for you okay.'' He said puting his index finger under my chin. He pulled my face up to his and kissed me. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. I pull away and look into his eyes.''Thank you dyl i love you so much''.

''I love you to Thomas''he said hugging me.''Now lets get you dressed and go where ever were going , love.''

''Yeah i don't want to go out in puplice with no clothes on'' i said geting up off the bed. ''And you are my annnnd I'm the only one to see you naked'' Dyaln said with a smirk. I just giggled.

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