What's next? + Character intros

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now with all characters in place, what was next for the jessestorm, penisstorm and witherstorm legacy? What will go on?

with the mcsm lore rightfully in the hands of the fans faznuts and eli, responsible, mature, grown adults, who will definetely not make the lore centered around ginormous cocks and titties?

What are they doing?

All the socials in place, they held the pen. They had all night to think of ideas. On this humble Tuesday, they were boutta pull an out nighter for this amazing idea. Faznuts started to work on character designs, while Eli started writing the transcript. This was boutta be good.

So, whats next?

Well, let's go over each character shall we?

Texas Withersexual Jesse (AKA: Texas Jesse)                                                                                                        ○ he uses nor/mal (in reality he uses he/him, but just says that)                                                                      ○ he is "straight" for the witherstorm.                                                                                                                          ○ he is secretly gay and trans but he will never tell anyone as he is very deep inside the closet. ○he is secretly afab, and has top surgery BUT he will never tell anyone, and will never take off his shirt. thats why his genitalia is so lacking, because the longer he stays in the closet the smaller it gets.                                                                                                                                                                                          ○always has pants down to assert his dominance.                                                                                                  ○wears red suspenders.


○ the witherstorm is gay and agender. that kinda makes texas homophobic withersexual "straight" jesse kinda gay.                                                                                                                                         ○the witherstorm uses it/its. 

Penisstorm                                                                                                                                                                              ○ next is the penisstorm.                                                                                                                                                ○the penisstorm is non-binary and unlabeled. bro likes men tho. you can usually find the penisstorm up the ass of the witherstorm, but, penis will never admit it.                                                    ○ the penisstorm can sometimes be found in a maid dress at times, when faznuts decided to punish bro.                                                                                                                                                                                ○ uses penis/penisself and bro/broself /srs. 

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