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I adore the comfort of autumn.

Everyone has their own sweater which they'll draw out from their closet, their cozy sweater only for the crisp season of autumn.

Others will bring out a pair of baggy pants with same soothing meaning of the sweater from only moments before.

Some spend their time venturing in the woods, the fallen autumn leaves that no longer huddle on the branches of the trees would crunch under their feet.

And upon entering the entry way to their home after the splendid day in the woods they'll rub their hands together then wiggle their nose to draw back the warmth that had left in the crisp autumn air.

Many will remove their boots and brush the mud off their comfortable baggy autumn pants.

As some will step over to their kitchen and begin to make an occasional autumn coffee, the rare autumn rain would begin to pummel from the sky.

Some would walk over to their cozy sofa which is covered in wonderfully soft blankets and stunning plush pillows.

They'll sit down and wrap themselves comfortably in the warm embrace of a plaid blanket as they will sip on their coffee and watch the rainfall.

I do adore the comfort of autumn.

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