20 3 1

Right now I'm in studio one, trying to clear my head. All of a troop has gone home, all of b troop has, Nicks watching a baking show in his office and I have no clue where Emily is.

I turn on the song, "Hold onto me." This song reminds me of how happy and on top of the world I felt at regionals. But it's all gone now. I feel like I'm falling.

"If I hold onto you," I grab my leg in my fan kick, and hug it, like it was the only thing left for me.

"If you hold onto me," I try and hug the air. I wish my friends were there to wrap their arms around me. My true friends.

"Love that sets us free," I leap, feeling free. But will I actually ever be free?

As I turn, I hear Nicks voice, "Summer, we're closing now." 

"Um, okay," I say, turning off the music. I head to the locker room, and grab my dance bag, changing into my lilac sweater and grey jeans. I wasn't going to go home yet.

I head to the bottom of my contacts list, and I see Noah. I call him.

"Hey Noah, it's Summer."

"Summer!" He replies. "What's up?"

"Not much. Actually, I called to ask you something."

"Sure. What do you need."

"I know this sounds weird, but do you know Richelles address?"

"Um, yeah... but why?"

"Oh, um, she left her hair bag at the studio, I just want to give it back." I make up a random excuse.

"Okay, but if I were you I'd  just give it to her tomorrow. She, um, doesn't really like having people over."

"I'm pretty sure she'll need it for tomorrow. Can you text me her address?"

"Okay," he replies.

"Thanks," I say, before hanging up. Not long after, I get a text from Noah.

78 Ilner Avenue

Wait, wasn't that the only slum area in Toronto? I realise, before thinking it has to be somewhere else. I take a deep breath, head to my car and start driving.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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