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Jeffree star is sitting there with his friends Gabbie Hannah and Shane Dawson, watching the game unfold. Jeffrees school is loosing, 26-14. Jeffree is loosing hope.

Next thing he knows he sees the mighty and gorgeos James Charles. "Hey, do you know where the bathrooms are?" James asks jeffree.

Shane is about to speak up but Gabbie stabs Shane in the appendix before they can let out a peep. "Oh yes, come here I'll show you where" jeffree says while James follows.......

They walk forward the stinky porta potty while sneaking glances at each other. "Here we are" Jeffree says. "Thanks!" James goes to walk in but noticed that the door has no lock.. "wait! Jeffree the door doesn't lock I need you to stay here for me to take a fat dookie" jeffree stops in his tracks and scurries back. "Of course do yo thang stink" jeffree stays guard in front of the potty.

James walks out. "Thanks for staying my guard!" James blushes. "Of course, anytime pookie" Jeffree says. "I really like your style, what kind of music do you like?" James asks while pointing to jeffrees clothes. "Thanks, I actually like all kinds of music, especially screamo!" Jeffree pulls out his iPhone 6s and goes to Spotify. "Here's my liked songs" jeffree says as he scrolls though the list. "WAIT! Is that bts?" James asks eagerly. "Yes... do you like them?" Jeffree asks. "Yes! I have some bts merch in my car if you want to come see it!" James exclaims. "I would love to!" Jeffree says as they walk back to the field.....

To be continued...

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