Chapter 2

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Hannibal poked Will with a finger, to which the boy reflexively slapped his hand away.

-"How much longer do I need to ignore you until you realize I don't want to talk to you?", he hissed, his mouth full of chips.

-"Do you want to play truth or dare?"

-"I dare you to leave me alone"

Hannibal chuckled.

-"But I didn't even say anything yet"

-"Let's keep it that way"

Will sighed, trying to eat his salty potato chips in peace. He didn't like flavored one's. Not even because they were too spicy, he just hated the smell, and added to the gross texture it was just a huge No for him. Hannibal on the other hand seemed to like extravagant tastes. Just now he threw his juice box in the trash. Will couldn't make out the brand, but there were lots of different fruits on the small package. It made him wonder how someone could deal with this amount of flavor at once.

It was still pretty early. The park was, as always, empty aside from the two boys and a small group of kids on the basketball field. Frankly Will wanted to stay at home and avoid Hannibal, but he wouldn't let him just ruin his fun. It wouldn't take him much longer to start biting though, despite having promised to his father that he would stop "spreading his rabies", whatever that meant. 

-"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Will kept quiet and continued munching on his chips.

-"Well I want to be a chef one day", Hannibal answered his own question. 

-"I like cooking. Do you like cooking? My mom always lets me help her make dinner"

Hannibal excitedly kicked his legs around. They weren't too small to reach the ground when he sat on the bench, but he was leaning so uncomfortably close to the back base, Will even started feeling a little bad about his own posture. 

-"Other than that I might want to be a doctor instead. My father is also a doctor. I don't know yet. What do you think?"

-"You speak really really weirdly", Will said quietly.

-"Oh, English isn't my mother tongue. Am I not speaking clearly?", Hannibal sounded a little distressed.

-"..Not really. I mean I can make out what you want to say but.. I never heard someone speak like you"

-"I still need to practice my pronunciation, it seems. Huh.."

-"I want to be an actor", Will sighed.

-"I like pretending. I want to be famous one day"

-"That sounds awesome!", Hannibal exclaimed. 

-"Do you also like watching TV? My father and mother often watch movies together, but they don't always let me join them. I sometimes secretly peek from the stairs but you can't really see it well. They watch really strange things. Like that one show about this bald cook and his friend who spoke funny. I think they didn't want me to watch because it had some bloody scenes, but I didn't mind"

Will covered his ears with his hands. Hannibal really did speak a lot.. it started to get really overwhelming to listen to him, just from the way all noises seemed to make Will's ears ring. 

So of course, he did what he always did.


Hannibal's words were cut short when a set of baby teeth buried themselves in his arm. Additionally, the grip around Hannibal's arm made a mark on the plain white shirt with his fat- and salt stained hands. 

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