The Runaway

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"MONO!" Six screamed, scrambling over to the edge of the ledge and looking down. Nothing, only the looming abyss looked back at her. No Mono.

"No, no, no, no, no, Mono!" Six screamed again, feeling tears sting her eyes. He couldn't be dead. He had to have survived, he had too!

Six shook her head helplessly, it was no use. He was dead, she was too slow, she didn't catch him in time. It was her fault. Her fault.

Hours passed of Six curled in a ball, crying her eyes out. She couldn't believe that Mono was gone, forever.

Six managed to sit up, her whole body hurt. She wanted to die with Mono, so their spirits could be reunited. But Six couldn't do that, she had a purpose in life. But...Mono has- or had a purpose in life too. But because of her, he died before he could even fulfill that purpose, before he could even be happy, before Six could even apologize for almost letting him go.

If only Six had a caught him before he had fell into the looming abyss below, if only she was quick enough, if only she hadn't froze for a millisecond. Mono would still be alive, with her.

Six blinked and stood up, clenching her fists and squeezing her eyes shut. She had to keep moving.

"Mono is gone. Accept it, and move on." Six whispered, whipping away the tears sliding down her face.

Six turned around and started toward the room facing toward her.

She would escape this place, even though her companion was dead.




Mono was on fire. He was being burned alive. It hurt, but he couldn't do anything to stop it. He couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't do anything but sit there and burn. Stop it, stop it please. Please stop. STOP IT PLEA-

Mono opened his eyes with a sharp gasp, which he instantly regretted. Pain immediately blazed through him, making him want to scream but once again, he couldn't. Mono's eyes flicked around the room that he was in, it was a very dull room, only lit with a small, dim light attached to the ceiling.

Mono took notice of himself, he was leaned back against the wall to his surprise. What had even happened to him? Has he just fallen asleep? No, there's no way that he just "fallen asleep" because he was in so much pain and he wished it would stop.

The next thing he noticed in a that he was covered in...something that was blood stained on it. It wasn't his clothes nor trench coat, it was pieces of a white...blanket-like thing. Fear shot through him when his brain finally processed that it was covered in blood. Was it his blood? By the pain that he was experiencing right now, Mono wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"Oh hey! You're awake!"

If Mono could move, he would've jumped the height of a small tree. He flicked his eyes to the sound of the new voice.

A child stood there, looking at him, or Mono thought he was looking at him. His hair was covering over half of his face, only showing his nose and mouth, but it didn't show his eyes. Mono only blinked at him.

"Can you talk?" The kid stepped toward him, titling his head slightly. "Do you have a name? What is it? I don't really have one- other kids call me "The Runaway Kid", but I go by RK!"

Geez, this kid sure did talk. A lot. The Runaway Kid, or RK, asked for his name and if he could speak. Mono could answer that- well, he can if he can speak.

Mono opened his mouth and after a moment of struggling he was able to choke out in a raspy voice..

"Mono," he quietly answered, meeting the kids eyes- or where he thought the kids eyes were.

RK blinked. "Mono? That's an odd name. But, than again, my name is weird too. Oh well! Cool name, Mono!"

RK's expression suddenly dropped.  "Um, you're probably wondering what happened to you, huh?" He shifted his feet uncomfortably, not meeting Mono's eyes.

The memories hit Mono harder than he thought was possible. Jumping. Slipping. Falling. He remembered all of it.

Mono widened his eyes. Six! He forget about Six! What happened to her after he had fallen? Was she looking for him right this very moment? Was she okay? Mono turned toward the kid again. With all his strength, he was able to speak in a very raspy voice.

"How long have I been out?"

RK flinched at the question. "Well, a few days, if I'm keeping track of time right."


"A few days? You're joking, right?" Mono asked, feeling panic bubbling up inside him. A few days?

"Unfortunately, I'm not. Actually, it could've been longer. It was a few days ago that I found you. I was walking around and found you sprawled out across the floor. I dragged you back here, patched up your wounds , and a few days later here we are." The Runaway sighed, looking down at the ground.

Mono felt like he was in a fairytale. A fairytale were he was the main character. The main character always faces a problem. This was Mono's problem. How would he fix it? Would he make it out alive? Or would he rot away in this place without seeing Six again.

Mono wish he knew the answer. 

But he didn't.

And it had to stay like that.

At least for now.

The only thing he could do was sit and wait.

Wait to die, or wait to be saved?

Again, he didn't know.

And again, he wish he did know.

"If I die," Mono thought, "at least let me see Six one last time before I do."

Mono took a deep breath a closed his eyes, he needed sleep. A lot of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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