Chapter Three: The Ghostly Mistake

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Surprise surprise! This will be a pov about the mother, as it will be around her, so.. Excpect lot's of cussing and lot's of things, like naught-naughty things! And explicent things, many things.. Anyways!


As Y/N's mother rolls into the Astral Plane, she is different, very different, when she stops spinning in the empty void of nothingness but stars. She looks around to find herself trapped by nothingness and so, she starts to float around. To see where she is..

When Y/N's mother bumps into another soul of difference, she looks at him, and wanders around him. The ghost of course wasn't pleased to see through her heart and find her evil, of course this meant by revenge if someone was this evil! But as Y/N's mother playfull flies around the other soul, he thinks of joining and her and has fun inside the empty void in which they are kept.

As soon as Y/N's mother loses sight of her new friend, he pops up behind her and scares her silly!

"Bah!" Y/N's mother backs up.

"Haha!" the ghost laughs to himself.

"What the hell?! Or should I say; what the living fuck?!" Y/N's mother gets pissy.

"What? It was only a little scare! What was I supposed to do? I thought we were having fun!" the ghost says, Y/N's mother lifts up her hand and sees the ghost's soul is purely white while the exception of red shown is outside the empty, nothingness, of a void the Astral Plane was..

"Whatever, I have buisness to attend too." the mother said, floating off while the ghost stays there, then in a flash he turns into a demon.. An imp, a creature made of hate and evil residing inside.

As the ghost turned into his true self; an imply ghost version of himself, then the imp smiled and disappeared from the abyss..

When the mother floated far away, she raised her hand again then a portal appeared in front of her, the mother looked through the portal and found something she shouldn't have seen..


With Saltbaker in the wash, as he was taking a shower, with no curtain covering him up and no shadow to cast. Saltbaker was singing to himself and saw a portal forming, he ignored it as he needed to take the shower. Priorities first after all!

When the portal was done forming, he looked at it and saw a ghostly head poking out, it wasn't any type of ghost he saw or knew, so Saltbaker grabbed the curtain and went back to showering. The ghost was still there and still in shock, then as the ghost went back into the Astral Plane, she made sure to close the portal. So that no one could get any bright ideas..

As Saltbaker got done showering, you were in the bathroom, washing your teeth for the night as Saltbaker stepped a foot and leg out of the shower, you looked at him curiously. Then you realised he came full out, wet and.. Naked, you were in shock as you held your toothbrush in your hand, while looking at Saltbaker..

"Gah! Y/N! What are you?!" Saltbaker shouted, uncomfortable by the scene you turned your head back to the mirror in front of your face, trying to ignore what you saw.

You didn't say anything to Saltbaker as he walked around, accidentally bumping into you occasionally, when you got done brushing your teeth, you realised Saltbaker got done with what he was doing..

So you walked out of the bathroom and went to your bed, as Saltbaker went to his room and went to bed as well..


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