Chapter One

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I walked out of the building and into the light of Devil's Acre. I had saved my ass, defending myself. Thank the birds the Ymbrynes had agreed to allow me to keep my status as a Ymbryne. Not being on the council, it sucked, but it's okay. Being on the council was extremely rare right after being promoted. I was lucky because my mum brought me to the meetings, and I saved the Ymbrynes and peculiardom in the Library of Souls, which earned me a spot right away. It was an honour to be on it, but I was never informed on anything. In a way, it was a blessing to no longer be a part of it. Many eyes were off me now because I wasn't an authoritative Ymbryne. However, I do hope that maybe I can work my way back once I have more experience as a Ymbryne.

I started walking down the cobblestone street, trying to get to Myron's mansion. I thought I was in the clear until I got past the security that surrounded headquarters, and into the eyes of the press.

"Anna Peregrine!" a reporter yelled, running over to me. "What was your trip like?"

"Miss Peregrine Junior, is it true you are no longer part of the council?" another reporter asked, approaching me, shoving a camera in my face.

"Are you a Ymbryne anymore?" the first one asked.


"Miss Peregrine Junior, may I have your autograph?" a young boy asked, running to me.

Soon I was drawing attention from everywhere. I didn't know what to say. I felt like the Council of Ymbrynes should announce my removal themselves.

"I think the answers to your questions should come from the Council of Ymbrynes," I said to the two reporters.

I pushed through the crowd, wondering if this happened to every Ymbryne when drama about them came out or when they were just a brand new Ymbryne. Was this what it was like for my mother when she was promoted and joined the council?

"Anna, is it true you can turn into a hollowgast?"

What the hell? I had to answer this reporter.

I quickly turned to her, "No. That is a silly rumour that isn't true. I can only see and understand their language. That's it."

"Was your father really a wight?" the same reporter asked as I started walking again.

"Leave me alone," I growled.

I pushed through more of the crowd, just wanting to get home. They followed me though and wouldn't leave me alone.


It was Emma, just a few feet away from me, and Millard. Emma reached out a hand to me, which I quickly grabbed. The three of us went running, Millard grabbing my other hand.

Eventually we lost the pressed, and walked through the streets, getting further and further away from Myron's mansion.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"Miss Peregrine moved us to a shack of a house to get away from the press," Millard said.

"It's not that much of a shack, but it has seen better days," Emma said.

"When did she do that?" I asked.

"When you were getting changed to go to headquarters. By the way, what happened?"

"I'll explain when we get home."

We turned the corner, and there was the house. It defied all laws of gravity and architecture, as it was so skinny at the bottom, but got fatter as it went up. There were about three floors, and it was supported by wooden stilts and crutches.

Anna Peregrine--The Conference of the BirdsWhere stories live. Discover now