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Devil and Dice were getting ready to go to another church and Dice just being happy to give his husband some oral sex. Dice wore a average sized periwinkle shirt with a olive green button down sweater with only the middle button done and a pair of blue jeans. He also wore a summoning circle earring on the right ear and a cross on the left ear. He had thick brown hair with curls. His lime eyes looked like they could light up any dark room or light up your day. He had freckles that was shown from cheek to cheek. He wore a pair of white gloves with black upside down rainlets on the back of them. He wore some periwinkle eye shadow with a cat eye. He had a gap between his teeth on the top row but he didn't mind. He had put on his high heels and was almost all set. And for the final touch some mascara. Devil on the other hand wore a black shirt with a red button down jacket. The jacket was hanging at his elbows to look more fancy. He had two sharp k-9s that were pure gold. Devil had light blue eyes with a cat eye to give it more pop. Devil had dyed his hair a crimson red to Imamate blood. His dark blue jeans barely stood out. The only way his jeans stood out was that they were ripped. He trimmed his already short enough beard. His ears were alert for when Dice was ready. He made sure his hair covered up his horns. Devil tucked his torn wings away while he plucked the few growing feathers. His tail swayed back and forth as he was getting ready for the day. Devil finished off his outfit with a pair of designer shoes. They were pure gold and always fresh blood squirted into the little pockets to complete the design. He waited for Dice to arrive at his throne room, sitting on his throne. Dice knocked on the door not long after. "Come in!" Dice walked in and closed the door behind him. "How do I look?" Dice asked. Devil looked Dice up and down. "Stunning as always, my love.~" Devil walked over to Dice and passionately placed his lips onto Dices. A few second in, Dice and had stopped. "Save it for the church, love.~" Dice dramatically tuned around, leaned on Devil's chest and wiggled his ass on Devil's dick. Devil let out a small groan of pleasure as his face lit a dark red. Dice giggled at that and tuned back around. "So are we going or not?" Dice asked looking at Devil. "Right! Yeah." Dice had chuckled and held onto Devil. Just in a heartbeat, they had vanished then reappeared at a church. The Pator stopped what he was doing as everyone stared in horror. (I wrote stared in horny instead of stared in horror XD) A teen girl's eyes lit up as she saw her favourite people. She had read about them and was reading more about them on her phone. She turned off her phone as she had stuck it in her pocket. She wore a pair of boot jeans with a light blue shirt that had a plane on it. She had long sleeves with star charms hanging from the sleeves. Her brown eyes were practically sparkling. If you listened close enough you could hear her squealing. Devil had picked up on this and looked towards the girl. He was in fact correct on where the noice was coming from. He leaned in closely to Dice's ear and whispered about the little 'sinner in church'. Dice whispered back saying that they could take her but Devil disagreed. "B-Be gone demon!" The Pastor yelled. Devil had laughed at this while the girl was recording everything. Only Devil and Dice could tell she had horns and a tail but it was hidden from the rest of the world. Her tail was red and so was her horns. They had black thin stripes and a star at the end of her tail instead of a triangle or a heart. Dice found this interesting while Devil felt like the girl was an attention seeker. Devil looked back at the Pastor holding a cross at Devil. Devil through the cross across the room and it landed upside down. Some people wanted to scream while others wanted to run but not the girl. "Tell me dear Pastor. What are we learning today?~" The Devil teased. "The dangers of homosexuality." Devil, Dice and the girl rolled their eyes at this. "Oh, Pastor. I'm troubled.~ Is this bad?~" Devil reached down and grabbed Dice's ass. Dice's face showed a devilish grin as he faked a moan, acting like he was a virgin but really he topped Devil more than Devil topped him. Some people yelled 'Disgusting! You do deserve to be in hell!' and shit but not the girl. Her squeals of excitement were now noticed by the Pastor. Soon Devil and Dice finished up. Devil having to pull up his boxers and pants and Dice having to wipe cum off of his lips. They soon poofed away not long after. The Pastor walked form where he usually stood and walked over to the girl. "Sammy! You are here by never able to enter this church ever again!" The pastor pointed at the door. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm just troubled. Hehehe." The girl, Sammy, teased. The Pastor pushed Sammy out the door and on the sidewalk. "That's not very holy, now is it?~" Sammy had teased again. The Pastor slammed the door shut and went back to preaching. Sammy got up and dusted herself off. This time she actually walked with pep in her step in a million years! Sammy looked for her skateboard where she hid it. (I can't ride a skateboard I just like them-) She had finally found it and had rode off from the church.

A sinner in ChurchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz