/casual/ PT. 1

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as i walked into the hard deck the smell of body odor and booze filled my nose, i walked over to meet my best friend pheonix, i hadn't seen her in almost a year, we were both stationed on opposite sides of the country, both of us had been called back to top gun along with a few other pilots
as i walked over to them i put a hand on pheonix's shoulder
"Y/N! how are you" she asked a she gave me hug
"i'm good how are you" i asked her
i heard someone clear their throat
i looks over to find hangman "bagman? still alive i see"
"oh i'm very alive luna" i rolled my eyes
"luna? as in the only other pilot that has a confirmed kill" i turned to a guy sitting on a stool
"yep that's me"
"this here's bob" hangman said
"what's your calling" coyote asked him
"bob" he said
"your callsign is just bob?" i asked
he nodded,
"well it's nice to meet you just bob" i held my hand out and he shook it
we talked for awhile before hangman spoke up again "bradshaw as i live and breath?"
i turned to find the one and only lieutenant bradshaw walking into the bar, i wasn't surprised to see him, he was one of the best top gun pilots, although he was slow, he made it count
i studied the way he walked over, i had always been attracted to him, he was built, and incredibly tan, and as much as i should hate it, the stache was quite on point
when we made eye contact he glanced over somewhere else, we were never really good friends in the academy, the only thing we had in common was we were two out of four pilots that didn't have WSO's
"this is how i find out your stateside?" Phoenix asked him as she bent down to hit the pool ball, hitting him in the stomach with her que instead
i chuckled little
pheonix and him he always been, friendly, they slept together twice and although she said there was never anything serious between them, there was definitely some chemistry
and i won't lie i was kinnda jealous of that, she was lucky he acknowledged her existence, that's all i ever wanted him to do
i turned and took a seat next to bob
"so bob, what do you fly?" i asked him
"oh i don't, im a WSO" he said
"oh really? for who"
"uh lieutenant trace" he said
"pheonix, nice" i said
"yeah i don't know, she seems a little, intimidating" he told me
"yeah well, she's a woman, we can't exactly be too nice in these positions" i said
"i guess that's true, no matter how stupid it is"
"lieutenant Y/L/N" i looked up to see hangman standing across from me
i cocked an eyebrow at him "what do you want bagman" i asked him
"thought i might be able to steal you for a moment" he said out reaching his hand
i ignored it and got up on my own, i followed him towards the bar


as i walked into the hard deck i noticed three things first
1- the hard deck hadn't changed at all
2- several off my fellow pilots from the academy were here
3- that included lieutenant Y/L/N callsign: luna
i walked over to the pool table
"bradshaw as i live and breath"
"hangman nice to see you" i said looking around
our eyes met but i quickly pulled them away looking at pheonix, "this is how i find out your stateside?"
before i could say anything she hit me in the stomach with her que stick
"yup deserved that"
me and pheonix had a fling at the academy, she was nice and good in bed, but the real reason i actually got close to her was to try and get close to luna, which didn't exactly work, she seemed to avoid me, i didn't think she was vey fond of me
"aye, they got the best of the best here" pheonix began "who did they got to teach us"
"more like who's gonna lead us" hangman said
"and are you ready to follow me"
"anyone who follows you is going to end up in an early grave
"and anyone who follows you is going to end up running out of fuel" he replied
"just keep chasing something that's long gone"
my fists clenched as he walked away, what makes me even more mad is that he took Y/N to the bar

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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