Chapter 9 - Make up your mind already

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“Why are you doing this? Why did you take me?” Niall asked finally making up his mind

Zayn stared wide eyed at the boy in front of him. Should he tell him? Would that make him less of a bad person if he did? Would that make him a bad friend?

He decided he didn’t care, so he decided to tell Niall

“It all started a month ago…”

Zayn told him the whole story! How Nate and his dealing crew had scared Louis and Harry and how they had only three days to bring him the money. They had tried every way possible, working long hours, Louis had sold some of his belongings, but still they weren’t even close to the sum Nate had requested.

Louis couldn’t think of anything and neither did Harry. Harry had suggested robbing a bank, but that would have most likely had gone wrong, so when Zayn suggested jokingly to kidnap some celebrity, they considered it, even though at the end they decided that it was to risky to kidnap someone famous so they searched for someone who would be easier!

They had decided on Niall very spontaneously. They had seen how Niall’s dad had spent a lot of money on a public auction, and there was a pretty detailed description of everything he owned, so they just investigated a bit about him, and found out that he had two sons. They had stalked Niall, the younger one for about a week, and when they went clubbing one night, it was like planned when he appeared there. They used the opportunity and convinced Niall to get in their car.

Zayn didn’t tell Niall that it was him who ‘seduced’ Niall, even though he knew that Niall didn’t hate him for that but of course that wasn’t something to be proud of.

“That’s why you did this?” Niall asked surprised

“Yes”  Zayn said , looking at Niall’s face, desperately wanting to do something else, like kiss him or simply look into his big blue eyes.  “I’m really sorry Niall”

“It’s okay” Niall gave him a smile “I don’t blame you. If you listened to me, you would have asked for a higher sum from my father” Niall snorted, and Zayn could only imagine him rolling his breathtaking eyes.

“Well, we already asked for more than we needed” Zayn chuckled, making Niall’s smile widen.

“Yeah, i know” Niall answered, loving the sound that was escaping the other boy’s lips. Unconsciously he raised his hand slowly resting his fingers on Zayn’s cheek.  He bit his lip, as his fingers traced the other boy’s jaw line, back up to his cheekbones. 

Zayn’s eyelids dropped at the contact and his hand automatically rested on top of Niall’s, as he leaned into the touch. He laced his fingers around Niall’s hand and brought the hand on his lips, placing a soft kiss on the palm of Niall’s hand, then moving his lips to his the tips of his fingers.

Niall felt goose bumps rise up his forearm, all the way down his spine.  He raised his other hand and placed it on the other side of Zayn’s face, feeling Zayn’s stubble.

“Did you mean what you said earlier?” Niall said in barely above a whisper, leaning his head somewhat closer to Zayn’s.  He didn’t know what he was thinking; he was just paralyzed by what he was feeling. He didn’t pay much attention to his thoughts, his hands just moved without him commanding them. One of his hands moved behind Zayn’s neck bringing him even closer; So close he could feel the slightly older boy’s breath on his lips.

“What?” Zayn asked pretending to be clueless,  when he knew exactly what he meant.  Niall’s fingers curled around Zayn’s silky hair as he rested his forehead on the darker boy’s.

“That you like me?!” Niall asked in a husky voice, making it even harder for Zayn not to close the short distance between their lips.

“I never said that” Zayn teased, brushing their noses together as he got even closer. As soon as he heard the voice, the frustrated part of Niall pulled away, and pushed Zayn back. Zayn frowned at Niall’s sudden actions, but then grinned to himself when he noticed that the blonde boy was pouting!

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