The Yangs

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-October 4th 2022-

"Another F? You've got to be kidding me" I sighed while walking out of class, I tried my best to keep calm but my frustration couldn't stay hidden for long. In the distance I could see my friends Jiwoo and Jimin, or as I call them, The Yangs. Jiwoo looked excited so I approached her. "You look cheerful, did anything interesting happen?" I asked her while raising my one eyebrow up, it's my special way of showing interest. "GUESS WHAT I GOT FOR US!!" I was gonna start guessing something exciting happened but then I noticed Jimin's silent giggle and I knew it was something not that big. "OKAY SO YOU KNOW HOW THE TICKETS FOR THE HAUNTED HOUSE SELL OUT LIKE THE SECOND THEY'RE RELEASED SO WE CAN NEVER GO?" She says with an ear-to-ear grin. I nod and now expecting some fun news, "WELL I FOUND THESE 3 TICKETS UNDER THE BUS SEATS" she exclaims while jumping up and down. "Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence that there is 2 tickets with female names and 1 with a male name? The address too, I thought the usual haunted house was in the neighbourhood where all the usual events happen" Jimin states while taking a closer look at the tickets. I could tell he knew he was right and that he had a bad feeling about all this but Jiwoo was right, if this isn't our chance to at leach check it out then I don't know when it will be since the tickets do sell out really quickly. "Oh shut up, have some fun for one brother!!" Jiwoo jokingly says but Jimin still didn't like the idea. "Wait why is the address near the abandoned football stadium? Where all the criminal activity happens?!" I ask worryingly. "Guys come onnnn, you're overthinking it, and plus even if it is near the criminal area, it'll just be a more fun experience for us" she says looking fed up so we eventually agreed on it, we still had so much time as well since the event was meant to happen on the 31st October and it's just the 4th today.


-October 12th 2022-

Tomorrow Is Jimin's birthday so Jiwoo and I have to think of something to surprise him so I invited her over to my dorm so we can plan something for tomorrow. "I was thinking we act like it's no special day and then at the end of school, you come with us because you "have a project with me" so that we got get suspicious of us, we will invite the whole class and even tell the teacher about it so that they'll let everyone go early so they can get to our dorm and set everything up while we distract him. Then us 3 walk and while I distract him with the door handle you gently kick the door to let everyone know that we're coming any second, after that we go to the door and when we open it everyone screams surprise and party cannons shoot!!!" I'm not too sure about the cannon bit but since we had no other option I decided to nod and agree. We sent out emails to everyone needed and I went to inform the teachers about that.


That was odd, usually we're always together, no duos or anything. They sure are planning something, better not be about that Halloween thing Jiwoo was going on about. Since the girls are having their little meet up without me, I'll go for a walk to that area to see if there really is some event going on or if Jiwoo and Stéphii are trying to get us killed.


After 20 mins of walking, I'm shocked that there actually is some sketchy looking tent put up, I'm guessing it's for the event but it's strange why they would have it here, in the drunk neighbourhood out of all places.


I looked around for about 10 mins and just when I was about to leave, I see this scary looking gang hiding behind a tree with what looks like guns and weapons. As curious as I was I decided to go closer and check it out but still keeping a low profile because they could attack me. They seemed to be counting money but they were wearing such strange clothes, almost looked like some guards. The one that caught my eye the most was a tall dude with his hair in a ponytail and he was walking around to check on everyone else. "ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH!" He suddenly shouts and everyone else froze. It was all making sense now, the money and the weird clothing, these people were the mafia. As I came into my realisation I ran for my life but the tall scary guy saw me and ordered for 2 of his co-workers to bring me over. I knew I shouldn't mess with them so I did what they told me to do, praying to god that I'd still be alive. "Boy what do you think you're doing around this neighbourhood at this time?" The tall guy asks me " I was trying to get home sir, I didn't notice you" I quietly mumble, "alright, let him go boys, and you don't move" he signalled the others to come to him and they had a discussion for what seemed like hours. After 5 mins they finally finished talking and the guy approached me with a grin
"You are now a part of us. It's either you accept or, well, you don't have a choice." Scared of what they could do I agreed, hoping my job wouldn't be to kill people or too much criminal activity. They asked for my name and soon let me go.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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