april. 2019

2 years later... completely.

it was her end of examination date. she was about to turn 13 at november. as every girls from the class were with their friends and so y/n was with hers, discussing the answers and the questions.

"the paper was so tough." ashly whins and mina nods her head,

while she was lost.

"you're becoming skinny y/n... are you eating well?" mina made her look at her as she was numb.

how she came to know that. she was battling to tell her family condition or not as she was about to, her eyes fell on a figure behind her....

the friends waited for answers...

her eyes shifted to her left to which the figure walked...

she noticed his,




his hairs and

lastly his eyes....

those were brown.

she looked stunned???

she realised that she

finally found him.

First love | Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now