Chapter 19. 1857 

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Minister. "Do you, Nicholas Oliver Stratford, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Nicholas. "I do."
Minister. "And do you, Amelia Elizabeth Morgan, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
Amelia. "I do."
The minister turned his attention to the group of gather guests. "If there are no objections to this union, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
Nicholas and Amelia smiled at each other before exchanging a deep and passionate kiss. A burst of applause exploded through the church, cheers of elation echoing across the high ceiling and walls. At last, they were united as husband and wife. They were married, and no one was going to come between them again.
Nicholas slid Amelia's hand through his arm, and the two of them made a mad dash for the double doors of the church and outside. They moved quickly down the three stone steps, trying to avoid the ribbons and rice being thrown at them. Climbing into their carriage, they settled against the tufted seat as the driver took them to Richmond Hall for the reception.
Several hours into the reception, after having a lovely five course dinner and enjoying a scrumptious vanilla and strawberry wedding cake, Nicholas and Amelia took to the dance floor, beginning their first dance as husband and wife. They held one another close, kissing whenever anyone had their eyes turned away. At that moment, they didn't care that they were surrounded by guests. All that mattered was the two of them.
Nicolas. "You look absolutely radiant this evening my love."
Amelia smiled. "Thank you darling, and you look absolutely dashing."
Nicolas brushed his lips against hers. "There's something I want to tell you, something very important. However, what I must tell you needs to be set in private."
Amelia caressed his cheek. "Of course my love. Because what I must tell you also needs to be said in private."
They continued dancing, not able to stop staring into one another's eyes. Love and passion was exploding between them, but had just barely touched the surface. By that night, it was going to explode into a full flame of fire. And they knew that, once the fire was lit, it wouldn't be extinguished.
By midnight that same evening, all of the guests had climbed into their carriages and left to go home. William had promised to come the next day, as did Rachel and Frederick. Cornelia and Richard had invited all of them to their nuptials in July.
As they walked upstairs to their chamber, Amelia began to feel nervous. This wedding night was going to be very different from her first. She had no idea what to expect. What was making love going to be like?
Nicolas squeezed her hand tenderly. "Don't worry my love, everything is going to be all right."
Amelia felt a little easier at his words. She knew that he was right, and that nothing was going to happen to her. And then, as she stepped through the threshold and into their chamber, her mouth dropped and her eyes went wide. Her eyes traveled around the room, taking in the beauty before her.
The bedroom was decorated with two dozen tall glowing candles, a blazing fireplace, and two dozen bouquets of red and pink roses placed in crystal vases. The vases had been put around every corner of the room. There was a bottle of rosé wine and a pair of wine glasses resting on a small table by the window.
Nicholas smiled softly. "Do you like it my darling? I was hoping the two of us could have a little private moment together before we consummate our marriage."
Amelia smiled back, although her stomach was doing butterfly somersaults. "It's beautiful Nicholas, I love it."
They sat down on the pair of chairs that had been placed beside the table, Nicholas pouring them each a glass of wine. Their free hands became intertwined as they sat close to one another. They didn't speak for several minutes, just enjoying one another's closeness aThey sat down on the pair of chairs that had been placed beside the table, Nicholas pouring them each a glass of wine. Their free hands became intertwined as they sat close to one another. They didn't speak for several minutes, just enjoying one another's closeness and company.
Nicholas. "Amelia, there's something I would like to say to you, but haven't had a chance to do so because we've not been alone. It's something very important."
Amelia looked at him, placing her wine glass onto the table beside his. "Of course my love. Say whatever it is you would like, because I have something very important to say to you as well."
Nicholas took her hands, squeezing them gently. His eyes remain fixed with hers. "I love you. I love every part of you. Your beautiful heart, your sweet laughter. Your dazzling eyes and lovely charm. I love you."
Amelia's eyes welled up with tears, her face breaking out into a dazzling smile. "I love you my darling. I love every single inch of you. I love your bold and brave heart, your beautiful eyes and tender smile. I love you."
Nicholas brought her against him for a tender kiss, pulling her onto his lap and gathering her against him. His tongue found hers, and he twisted it gently with his own. He growled softly, feeling his cock bulge against his trousers. Good Lord, he was wanting his wife, and by the feel of her arms going around his neck and her body pressing against his own, he knew that she wanted him as well.
They continued kissing for several minutes, and without either one of them thinking, began removing one another's clothing. Fingers carefully removed strings and untied knots and buttons. Moments later, their clothing was in a pile on the floor, and they were both naked. They came away after a few moments, their eyes taking one another in.
Amelia suddenly felt very self-conscious as she saw Nicholas staring at her body for the first time. Her heart started pounding, her mind overflowing with words of ridicule that could possibly come out of his mouth. She swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper. "Go on, say what you must."
His eyes blazing with fire, Nicholas took two steps forward, placing his hands on either side of her face. When he spoke, his voice was low and seductive. "You are perfect."

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