Chapter 15

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Tuesday, 11am, Belle's Bookstore

"So, what do you actually do, as a staff writer?" I asked Jessica, walking slowly around the bookstore, waiting until something stood out for us to buy.

"It's mostly the journalism part" she said, twirling her red hair around her hand until she stopped to pick up a book. "I do the research, the interviews, write the articles, and work with the sub editors so we make sure we are meeting deadlines, things like that."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Yeah I love it. Do you enjoy being a personal assistant?" she asked, taking the book into her arms securely as she decided she was going to buy it.

"Yeah, it's been quite hard so far. Eddie found it difficult to accept the band had a personal assistant, so we've been arguing a lot, and I haven't really had a chance to make many friends, but aside from that, I love it" I sighed smiling.

"Well, you have a friend now" she smiled as she took my hand, giving it a squeeze. "I thought you knew the guys from high school. Why have you been arguing?" she questioned.

"We weren't close in high school, so I was just a familiar face I guess. But the paparazzi did publish a picture of Eddie and I in a magazine and made up a story about us, plus he hates being told what to do" I laughed, picking up a book caught my eye.

"What was the story?"

"Eddie Munson's mystery girl" I laughed again.

"Wow" Jessica laughed in reply. "I can see you guys together though" she admitted.

I was shocked. "What makes you say that?"

"He couldn't stop staring at you at the dinner."

"I keep telling him to stop" I joked, putting the book in my arms as she did earlier.

"So, he's told you he likes you?" she asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yeah- but I- I can't like him back" I stuttered, shaking my head. "I'd have to leave my job"

"Oh. It's a shame, you both seem fixated with each other" she said sadly.

I laughed it off. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Nope. I can't stand New York guys, they're awful" she stuck her tongue out in disgust, walking over to the counter to pay for her book where I followed her.

"I agree, Jess" the blonde girl at the counter replied to her, smiling as Jessica beamed back at her. "Meredith, this is Belle, she owns the bookstore". Belle sent me a little wave and smile as she exchanged Jess' book for a $10 bill and gave her some change. I handed her mine and did the same before Jessica spoke up again. "Don't be a stranger, Belle. We're getting coffee soon" she told her. Belle called after us to say bye, as we left the bookstore, stepping out onto the rainy street. She linked my arm and pulled me in close as she began to walk "And we are getting coffee now". I giggled and ran a little so my feet could catch up to hers.

Tuesday, 12pm, 8th Avenue Cafe

Jessica studied her book while waiting for our coffee to be brought to the table. She read the back of the book, and turned it over to flip through the pages, looking intently at what some of the pages said. She looked up at me "Which book did you pick?" she asked curiously. "Little Women. I've never got the chance to read it" I smiled. She nodded in response, "A classic" she said.

An old lady brought our coffees over to the table, setting them down gently. I was quick to take a sip of mine. "So, are you looking for a boyfriend, or are you going to wait until you find another job to be with the one you really want?" Jessica said, picking up her cup. I coughed, struggling to swallow my drink all of a sudden. I composed myself as she smirked at me waiting for a reply. "No, I'm not looking" I smiled back, surprised at how inquisitive she was as someone I'd only been friends with a couple of days. "So, you're waiting?" she asked again. "No" I told her.

"Well, you're going have to pick one. Love doesn't come around often enough to turn it down." She smiled. I laughed in response. "What? I like to see my friends happy." She justified.

"Well, what would you do in my position?" I asked her.

"Pick him" she smiled again. I sighed, too tired to explain my argument again. I was overwhelmed with the pressure to make this decision or not. I knew it was what I wanted, but was it right?

"Everything's going to be okay, you know Meredith? No matter which decision you pick, or how long you take to decide, everything works out in the end" she reassured. "Plus, you have a couple of friends in the city now. You're not alone." She took my hand into hers, running her thumb over the top of it softly as she spoke.

"Thank you" I told her, my voice shaky.


thought it was about time Meredith got some friends :)

thank you so much for reading!! xx

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