A proof

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“Your highness, your father is calling you”,- the voice of the servant woke me up.

“Yes, tell him I will come as soon as I get ready”,- saying that I woke up and started to get ready. The day was long and I was hoping that Vegas would show up today. Just like the ocean he was mysterious, and like its waves he would go away without a warning. My heart and body craved for him. Vegas was a drug that made me addicted to his lust and desires. Where was he now, what was he doing, was he thinking of me ? All sorts of questions filled my brain, in worrying he might not show up. Still I believed he would come. A promise is a promise and Vegas would not break that. I did also believe he would never find an omega like me. Showing off was a part of my character, but I never did it on front of others. I seem selfish, not kind, speaks what’s in his mind, and for that reason people have a hard time approaching . Vegas was the first to endure all that screaming and coming to me like a soldier who isn’t afraid to face death. So beautiful, yet so scary, life hit both of us to meet in the most unexpected way.

“Pete , son someone is here to visit you”,-my father said to me when I was about to sit on the table.

“I don’t expect anyone here today though, all of my friends are at their places”,- I replied with a surprised face.

“Well this one friend said that he wants to go on a small trip with you and he came her to ask for my permission”,-my father replied to me with a happy face.

A friend who wants to take me on a trip, that my father seems not have any problems knowing that, and he even came over. I was not the smartest but I could feel my brain cells dying slowly. I think that me hitting my head at the door really gave effects, cause my brain stopped working at whatever my father was saying. A part of me was hoping that person to be Vegas, but if my father knew he is a Alpha he would not let me go with him. Still no matter who it was, I would not go anywhere, unless they were named Vegas, had monolid eyes, red lips, amazing scent. God, I was dying and thirsting over a man I just met a month ago. Where was my pride here ? Well I had none, since he took my heart over one simple glance.

“Pete”,- a familiar sound called my name. I turned on the other way, just for my eyes to witness Vegas coming closer to the table.
‘I came to see you and ask your father for permission to go on the trip we talked about, the one where you wanted to gather some flowers for your new medicine”,- he was lying while looking my father straight in his eyes. I knew he was crazy, but this much, as to lie to my evil father while looking without blinking. My heart started beating even faster, especially when he was standing looking like a proud man who won the battle.

“Vegas, you might take my son, but please make sure no one does anything to him, he is a weak Omegas, beautiful, they might kidnap him or sell him as a slave. He is worth a lot of money”,- my fathers disgusting laugh made me lose my appetite.

“Sir, Pete is not weak, as far as I know him he has proven to be the bravest Omega I have ever know, and for what his worth is, I don’t think that is what a father should say. He is your child and no price can be put upon him’,- Vegas replied without thinking twice. I was afraid, what if my father would not let me go now, what if he would make the guards prison Vegas. He did stood up for me, but my father was the evil itself.

“I apologize, it was not a good joke from my side. What a clever man you are Vegas. Pete should start learning from you. I admire your bravery, and that you do know how to talk with a very diplomatic way. As expected of a prince who will soon take over a Kingdom. Life is cruel son, but I can see you have the soul of a person who fights for its own beliefs. You both may go now, I wish you a good and safe trip”,- as I heard my father saying that, tears started gathering on my eyes. He was a pathetic father, but as a King he knew when to be humble and apologize. Vegas was indeed a brave person. I stood up gave my blessings to father, kissed his hand and walked away with Vegas.

“Pete, I missed you so much”,- he pulled my waist and kissed me without hesitation. Our lips were slowly opening for the tongues to invade each other. His lips kept biting my upper lip, somehow I could tell he loved to lick it and bitte it. I pulled him even closer as my hands went through his hair. A hand entered inside my shirt, which made me shiver.

“Vegas ,hm, we need to stop for now, father or anyone might see, let’s go to my room, I will also need to pack for our trip”,-I pushed him away.

“Pete, I am hungry, all these days I kept fucking you in my dreams, using your wardrobe. I want to do it but you are right. Lets get ready and get out of here. I have place far from here. I want to choke you, chain you, pull my dick inside you and fuck your deepest parts.”- as he said that he kissed my neck and went down pulled my shirt up and kissed my scar I had as a child.

“How did you know I had this scar”,- I asked in shock.

“I saw it when I took your wardrobe from you, Pete, my Pete”,- he pulled me closer and licked my neck, biting it slowly. We were taken over by desires. I wanted to do it right in that moment, but it was dangerous. His idea to take us far was perfect. I could know him better, even though it felt like someone linked us together from many years ago. Was it possible to feel for someone like this, in such a strong way were the world feels empty if I don’t look in his eyes. Vegas you made me into another person, desperate to be with you and deep in lust.

“I will prepare my clothes, and we can soon go, I can’t wait to have an amazing trip with you”,- my heart was beating so fast, I was so excited, like a child that can’t wait to play with his favorite toy.

“Pete , I need you to know that this trip means so much to me, I can finally have my moment and time with you. I hope you will accept me with all my darkness Pete”,- he put me in his lap just like last time and embraced me like a kid searching for his warm place.

“Vegas, I will make sure to accept that dark side of yours and turn into light for you”,- I replied while putting his head on my chest so he could feel safe. I know Vegas had secrets and I know he also did things that might have caused pain to him and others, but now he was in my arms.
If the world was going turn its back, I would give my blood and kill for this man just to see him smile.
It was worth it, to be someone’s comfort zone.

Ps. This is a message to me from you🥺

When times get hard and you feel like life it’s at it lowest, cry , cry a lot. Sit in the corner and cry while hugging yourself. After that, stand up, wash your face, look in the mirror and say to yourself how strong you are. You came all this way handling the hardest things this life brought you. Yet you managed to shine, smile and fight. You are perfect, you are beautiful, you are smart, and your life is yours, so don’t give anyone the chance to tell you how to live it. Love who you want and be who you truly want without fear. Why live with regrets when you can live with happiness for being who you truly are. Life is a gift given to you, so fuck it, let people talk, while you dance in the rhythm of life, enjoying the rain as it falls down. I have scars like many of you all, but I turned them into strength to be able to live happier and fight for what’s right and wrong. I love you all, thank you for reading my fan fic. Please be happy, cause we truly have one life.😘❤️

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