Background Information

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Danielle's Story:

I was only five years old when my parents were killed, even coming from a young and confused mind I remember it clear as day.

My Aunt Laura was watching me swing on the swings, laughing as I would playfully scream when I got too high above the ground. I was a happy child, but that didn't last for long..When I heard my mother screaming from the house, my Aunt Laura told me to stay on the swings, but being the curious young mind I was, I stopped swinging and listened. When I noticed my Aunt Laura wasn't returning, I knew something was wrong.

I slowly walked up to the sliding glass door of my house, sliding it gently and walking in cautiously...I regret opening the door still to this very day. My Mother,My Father and my Aunt Laura were both scattered on the floor, blood dripping from their bodies...cold and dead. I remember the tears streaming down my face as I screamed in horror. Once the neighbors heard my piercing screaming, the cops showed up to my house, asking me questions then taking away the bodies. For a young girl to be going through something so traumatizing, it effects my life to this day.

When I was six, I lived with my other Aunt named Teresa, sweetest woman alive. But now, I'm 21, living on my own in an apartment near South Carolina.

Oh.. And my name is Danielle by the way.

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