Chapter 1

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Danielle's Pov:

I could feel my eyes growing tired as I was driving down the road. My shift was over at the bar, not the best job in the world, but it works for me I guess.

As I was driving down the road, I had the incredible feeling I was being watched. And no, it wasn't a feeling of the paranoia you get after you watch a scary movie, it's the real feeling of eyes watching you and over your every movement.

I shake the feeling off and park my car next to my apartment building. I grab my purse and walk tiredly towards the building. Once I enter my apartment, I notice something oddly strange..all the lights were turned off, I left my lights on when I left, I know I did.
This is just my paranoia, I need rest- I thought to myself.But then I get a feeling of a cold breeze as I walk in complete darkness towards my room. It's fine Danielle, let's just go to bed- I thought to myself over and over again. Finally I couldn't take the paranoia and I turn on the lights...Big mistake.

I froze completely still, my heart pounding in my chest, my eyes wide open. Standing near the other wall of my bedroom were three men, three terrifying men. They were wearing what appears to be suits, black suits. They all had three similar medium length, sharp knives. This can't be happening, what the hell do I do? But besides the fact that there were three men in my apartment, holding knives, there was one thing that scared me the most, something that turned my insides, made my stomach drop, and stopped my heart beating. Their eyes....were pitch black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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