×Café Date×

43 1 0

×Keith's POV×
As we were getting our drinks, Pico held my hand. It felt,,amazing holding his hand for the first time. Before me and Pico started dating, we came here as friends. We get our usual, then we found a table and sat.
"So, uhm,,what do you wanna talk about?" I said, putting my hand on top of Pico's while taking a sip of my drink, which was a strawberry milkshake.
"Hmm, I'm not sure,," Pico said, sort of looking off to the side.
",,Are we, y'know, a thing now,,?" I asked.
"I mean, do you want to be a thing? Because we can." Pico said, taking my hand into his. My face turned a bit red, Pico noticing and laughing sotfly.
"Your face is turning red there, Keith,," He said, still laughing sotfly.
"Oh, shush,," I said, crossing my arms.

hehe cliffhanger-
Keith-kun, out! :)

Engravings : A Pico x Boyfriend/Keith StoryWhere stories live. Discover now