The Gathering

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Carmine Jinn, known to many as intergalactically renowned singing superstar Count Crescendo, was determined more than ever to succeed. For years, it was unknown to him that he had a twin brother, who was none other than Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. And now, taking a break from the superstar life to train as a Jedi, Carmine has become Obi-Wan Kenobi's newest Padawan, and received added guidance from Master Yoda as well as old messages written to him by his late father Qui-Gon Jinn.

Figuring out the more advanced ways of the Force was a challenge for Carmine, as he was more an expert on music and dance, and his daughter Lamenta was incredibly shy and anxious. Thus, neither of them fought in the Clone War the same as Anakin and his daughter Gabriella did. Nevertheless, Carmine paid close attention to every lesson as best he could, and tutored his daughter so they could help the Jedi bring order to the chaos created by the war.

Almost two months went by, and Carmine got better and better at using the Force with a little help from his brother and niece. Gabby told Carmine, "When my daddy taught me to use the Force, he told me 'don't try to be someone you aren't, and use your powers your way. Find what helps you focus. Find your motivation and let go of everything else.'"

And, Anakin noticed very quickly that Carmine had already mastered dancing very well, but did not tend to practice martial arts. Thus, he, Gabby, Carousella, and Crescent helped the pop star turn his dance skills into fighting skills. And they even taught Lamenta some movements so she could defend herself. They even got to using practice lightsabers to teach Carmine how to use a lightsaber when the time came for him to build one.

As the war progresses, the number of Jedi decline and new younglings are harder to find. When a youngling is discovered, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order. Well, one of their families, anyway. With the new code in place, younglings had a choice of whether they wanted to stay in touch with their families, as well as start families of their own someday.

One thing that had not changed though was the challenge younglings faced in the trials. Tests had to be passed, but none were as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi's path will truly begin.

This time, things were a little different in The Gathering. There were six younglings: a wookie named Gungi, a human boy named Petro, a Rodian girl named Ganodi, A Nautolan named Zatt, and Ithorian named Byph, and a Tholothian named Katooni.

"Hurry, younglings." Ahsoka said as the children rushed over.

Gungi made his wookie noise. Then Ahsoka noticed someone was missing.

"Sorry, I'm late." said Carmine, running in.

"When did Master Skywalker start wearing glasses?" Petro asked.

"The name is Jinn. Carmine Jinn." Carmine corrected. There were still some Jedi who still had not gotten used to Anakin having a twin, and sometimes mixed the two up, mostly when Carmine didn't have his glasses on. "Anakin's twin brother?"

"Glad you could join us, Carmine." Ahsoka said. "Now, you have all proved to be the top of your class. And so now is the time of The Gathering. For a Jedi, there is no greater challenge or honor."

Gungi made a noise, and Petro asked Ahsoka what The Gathering was.

"Petro, Ganodi, Byph, Katooni... Zatt, Gungi, and Carmine... the time has come for you to build your own lightsabers." Ahsoka held up her lightsaber as an example.

Carmine and the younglings cheered in excitement.

"Be warned," Ahsoka continued. "This is no simple task, and many perils lie ahead of you. Where we are going, there is no place more sacred to the Jedi."

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