A Test of Strength

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After an exciting adventure of retrieving their crystals, six Jedi younglings and a disguised pop star were ready to take their first step into a larger world.

While the ship was on its way, the younglings were watching as Petro practiced his lightsaber skills. He did a little spin trick that knocked the ball against the walls and to the floor.

"I call that move the Whirlwind of Destiny." said Petro.

"Showoff." said Zatt.

Ahsoka clapped to get everyone's attention and asked them to gather around. So they did.

"You have all successfully passed The Gathering and harvested your crystals." said Ahsoka.

Gungi vocalized happily.

"So when do we start to build our sabers?" Petro asked.

"Place your crystals on the table." Ahsoka instructed. "Your lesson begins now."

Carmine and the younglings placed their crystals on the table.

"May I introduce you to architect and lightsaber designer Huyang?"

In came a droid.

"These are them?" said Huyang, looking at the students. "I swear they get younger every expedition. All have passed the Gathering?"

"Yes, sir." Ahsoka said.

"Are you sure?"

"But he's a droid." said Ganodi. "You expect us to learn from a droid?

"Many years I have been on this ship teaching many a Jedi before you, and I will continue teaching many a Jedi after you." the droid defended. "Call me what you want, but inside my memory banks, I contain a record of every lightsaber ever made and the Jedi who fashioned them."

Huyang set up a hologram to show the younglings examples of complete lightsabers.

"Which will you choose? A simple grip? The curved approach? One inlaid with the bone of the Cartusion whale, pastillion ore, or black onk?"

Carmine especially was astonished by all the different styles there were to choose from.

"Well? From Battles of Rashfind to the Peacekeeping of Parliock to our very own Clone Wars, the lightsaber is a Jedi's only true ally."

"Not a very social ally, though." Carmine whispered to the younglings.

"But how do they work, hmm?" said Huyang, picking up a crystal and inspecting it closely. "Yes, you have brought me crystals, but they're all useless unless you give them life."

"So, they're like seeds." Carmine hypothesized. "But, I get the sense they need something other than water and sunshine to grow?"

"Indeed. Do you know how to awaken the Force within the crystal?" None of the younglings did, and neither did Carmine. "No? Then I suggest you listen and learn until you think of a question this droid cannot answer."

"Were there ever any Enchanted Jedi in the Order after Serafina Starling? Besides my family, I mean." Carmine asked.

"No, there were not."

"Why is that?"

Huyan paused for a moment. "That is the one question I cannot answer."

Ahsoka looked at Carmine. "Now I know where Gabby gets her talkativeness from." said Ahsoka.

Huyang then looked at Gungi.

"A wookie. Rare you are to the Jedi. Proud your people must be. Unique, just as your lightsaber will be. Hold out your hand, Wookie." Huyang held out his hands, and Gungi placed his hand in them. "Describe what you see your lightsaber to be."

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