A Necessary Bond

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Previously on Legend of the Jedi Princess...

Pursued by pirates! During an important rite of passage, six Jedi younglings, Carmine Jinn, and Ahsoka Tano are ambushed. Protecting the young Jedi, Ahsoka was captured by the nefarious Hondo Onaka and taken to the planet Florrum. Marshalling their courage and training, the younglings infiltrated the pirate stronghold and rescued Ahsoka. Now we find our heroes in a race to their starship, with the pirates closing in.

Now the young heroes were racing to their starship with the pirates closing in.

The pirates shot at the Jedi's speeder.

"They're gaining on us!" Petro exclaimed.

The pirates managed to hit the ship enough to make it rock a little. Petro and Katooni ducked down.

"Uh, I think they're still upset that we tricked them." said Katooni.

"Um... you think?" Carmine said with sarcasm.

Carmine had the two younglings get inside the speeder first.

"They'll get over it once we're off their planet." said Petro.

But when the pirates shot them and made the ship jerk everyone around, Ahsoka was not so sure about Petro's claim.

"Did anyone see where my glasses landed?" Carmine said, on the floor with his glasses missing again.

"Carmine, again?" Ahsoka groaned.

"I can't help it if I'm near-sighted!"

Petro then called Ganodi and told her they needed a quick evac.

"Come in, please. Ganodi."

But Petro got no answer.

"Maybe the pirates are jamming the signal." said Zatt.

"Where could she be?" said Katooni.

"Ganodi. Huyang. Come in."

Petro kept trying to get a hold of Ganodi. Still no answer. This was so because it took longer than anticipated to reattach Huyang's head. But, eventually she did hear his call for help and answered it.

"We're all gonna need repairs if you don't have the engines running." Petro told her.

"Where are you?" Ganodi asked over the comm.

"Ganodi, it's Ahsoka." the Togruta intervened.

"Padawan Tano! We rescued you!" Ganodi gasped.

"Almost. But we need you to get us home. Are you ready?"

"Just tell me what I need to do."

Ahsoka told Ganodi to fire up the engines and sent her coordinates to meet them at.

"We'll be right there." Ganodi promised.

R2 steered the ship and lowered the boarding ramp as they got close enough to get everyone on board.

Ahsoka and Carmine got right to getting the younglings off safely.

While Ahsoka used her lightsabers to deflect the pirates' blaster bolts, Carmine helped the kids get on board, starting with Byph. But then, the tank suddenly started to move in another direction.

"The steering must've come loose!" said Ahsoka.

So, Petro jumped in and started to steer.

Gungi grabbed hold of Byph's legs when the ship was back in reachable position. But, no one except Petro knew that they were heading right for a cliff! Petro quickly swerved the ship just before they could go over. Luckily, the ship moved as well and started to get more of the younglings on board.

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi RiseWhere stories live. Discover now