chapter 1... Suzan's Story

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: To the crazy old teacher that pets her hands like a maniac. (to my facebook frie

ok so this is a story we had to write for writing in 7th grade. i know its not that great, and i might go through and make it more interesting and broad, but when i was writing this i had little time cause i had a massive writers slump. its just put together really quick. we had to write a scary story or a mystery (it was halloween so thats why it had the specific genre) and this was mine. and yes... it was inspired by this super crazy sub we had that would pet and talk to her hands and feet. the lady was mentally insane.  i might make it more extensive and violent later on, cause i know i could have fun with this storyline. hahah!!! its rated pg right now but later on i might make it super gory so i might change it to pg-13. so enjoy!!!!any advise would be useful so comment comment comment!!! DO IT!!! :P

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Suzan sat up with a jolt. The room was dark except for the beam of light from the streetlights outside. She looked around her room with wild eyes. It was just a nightmare, she thought, letting out a large sigh. Her feet slipped out from under the covers and landed on the cold wood floor. Getting up, she walked over to her window and looked out at the brick street of her neighborhood. All was quiet. The lights in every house were off. Strange, she thought, looking at her neighbor’s house. Usually Mr. Jameson is up and getting ready for work by now. She was getting ready to walk away and go back to bed, when a shadowy figure moved inside the neighbor’s window. Then there was the sound of a smashing vase, along with a soft thud. Mr. Jameson backed in front of the window, a knife sticking out of his heart. He then collapsed onto the floor, his murderer standing by his body. The shadowy figure looked up, and that’s when Suzan wanted to scream. The face of the murderer was none other that Miss Klava, her science teacher.

The next morning at school, Suzan was jittery, and jumped at even the slightest noise. She would not even let anyone touch her.

"What’s wrong Suzan?" asked Laura, one of her friends, once they were out of the gym.

"Oh nothing. I just watched a really scary movie last night," She lied, getting nervous now that they were in earshot of Miss Klava’s classroom.

"Actually, I…" she started to say until Miss Klava, who was now standing by her classroom door, gave her an evil look. "Um… never mind Laura. It was just that movie I watched last night."

"Ok. If you say so. You just seemed so tense today," Laura replied. She studied Suzan with disbelief in her eyes. Just then the bell rang for homeroom.

"I need to get to homeroom," Suzan said quickly, trying to escape any further questions on the subject. She ran off to Miss Klava’s classroom and sat down just as the tardy bell rang. That was close! She thought.

"All right students. I need for you to fill out this paper for me. The office wants it so they can drop off your homework if you’re sick," Miss Klava said in a raspy voice. "And Suzan, I want to see you after class."

Suzan quickly filled out the questions and gave it to Miss Klava. She sat down wondering if Miss Klava would mention anything about the murder. Just then the bell rang for first period. Everyone filed out of the classroom, leaving the two alone.

"Suzan," Miss Klava started, "How much did you see last night?"

"How much of what?" she asked, trying to look as clueless as possible.

"The murder last night! That’s what! How much did you see?"

"All I saw was Mr. Jameson with a knife in his chest, and then you standing next to him."

"If you say anything to anyone about this, I’ll kill you," Miss Klava threatened. "You can go now."

Later at cheerleading practice, she was so jumpy that the coach got fed up with it and made her sit out. Later in the locker room Laura questioned her more.

"Are you sure nothings wrong?" she asked.

"I’m fine. Honest," Suzan answered. She went to open her locker, while behind her some other girls were putting up the practice mats. The minute she opened her locker, an explosion sent her flying backwards into the mats. Then all went black.

* * * * *

Suzan slowly opened her eyes. She was facing her poster-covered ceiling. Everything was where it should be. Although the pink walls seemed a bit brighter of a color than they should have been.

"Look! She’s waking up," exclaimed a familiar voice. Turning her head around, she saw her mother and father standing by the doorway with all her cheerleading friends. Some were sitting on the floor, while others had found a place on one of her clothes covered benches.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Don’t you remember?" Laura asked "Your locker exploder and you hit the practice mats."

"The police came and looked at your locker," her mom continued. "They did find a bomb in your locker, buy they couldn’t find any fingerprints. You broke your arm, so they sent you to the hospital to get it treated. Other than that, you’re fine."

"You must be tired," Laura said. "Get some sleep. That’s the only way that arm will get any better. We have to go. I’ll come back over tomorrow. Bye!"

Suzan felt her eyelids get heavy, and soon she was in a deep sleep.

* * * * *

Suzan’s eyes fluttered open. Her hot pink clock said two thirty. Why am I up this early? She wondered. Lightening flashed, illuminating her pink room. A solitary figure sat on a bench under her window. She flipped on her lights and gasped. It was Miss Klava! How did she get in here? She thought.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her voice shaky and nervous.

"Why, I came for you," Miss Klava replied in a sly voice.

Suzan got out of bed and started inching toward her door. She did not like how this was going.

"You were the one that put the bomb in my locker," She said, hoping to buy her some time.

"Why of course silly girl. I had a reason to."

Miss Klava swiftly pulled a knife out of her coat. She then walked over to Suzan, and tried to stab her. Suzan ducked, and moved closer to the door that leads to the balcony. Miss Klava ran at her, forcing them out onto the balcony. She ducked, and grabbed Miss Klava’s wrist, but that did not stop her. All she did was hit Suzan in the chest and knocked her closer to the edge of the balcony. Miss Klava then stabbed her in the gut, and pushed her off the balcony. Suzan had the sense of falling, but in a slow motion kind of way. Then her head hit the ground, and all went black… forever.

* * * * *

Miss Klava now stood over the dead body of Suzan. She had put up more of a fight that most of the children she had killed. Soon the rain would rinse away all the finger prints and evidence. Her blond hair spread out behind her as her bleak eyes started up into nothingness. A small pool of blood collected under her, staining her shirt red. As she turned and walked off, she wondered what had made a snobby cheerleader like Suzan so strong, and who her next victim would be.

A Murder To Rememberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें