chapter 3... Linda's Victory

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so here we go... last chapter... or at least till i start rewriting it. now a note to anyone reading this. linda is a geeky band nerd. i want you to know i have nothing against geeks or band nerds. i am both of those. we make the world go round!!! if we weren't here your life would suck!! haha!!! jkjk. but really, we make life interesting. so nobody take offense to it. like in the last chapter, comment on what you would like to see happen or what should happen and stuff i can add. all comments will be read and possibly used. so COMMENT!!!! the comment fairy awaits!!! (see. i told you im weird) ENJOY!!!

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Linda Gomad was staring out the window on the way to school. The bus was bouncing down an old country road. Trees and cottages went by in a flurry of color. Linda was not interested in the scenery though. She was trying to piece together the mysterious murder of Suzan Parkers, and the disappearance of Jeff Calster. It just seemed too weird to her. She had been trying to figure it out for three days now. She and her friend, Marie, had even started asking around the neighborhood to see if anyone knew anything useful, although last night she had so much homework that she could not go help Marie. She started thinking about motives. They had all the stuff anyone would ever want. she thought. Popularity, a nice home, a good family, money, an important place in school sports, lots of friends. Why would they kill themselves or run away? Just then the bus stopped outside the school.

"Linda!" called her friend Marie after she got off the bus.

"Hi Marie," Linda responded. "What’s up?"

"Not much. But I went and asked around the neighborhood to see if anyone had seen Jeff," she said.

"So what did you find out?" Linda asked.

"Mrs. Parkers told me that he came and asked to see Suzan’s room. When we went up their, she said that he was looking out the window the whole time, and then he just left," she explained. "And get this. Suzan’s window has a perfect view of the window where Mr. Jameson was killed by."

"She must have seen the murderer, and then he threatened to kill her. But killed her anyway to be sure that she wouldn’t tell anyone," She said. "It makes sense."

"Yea, it does," Marie planed "Let’s try to talk to her friends about it. I have a feeling that if we find out what happened to Suzan, we’ll find out what happened to Jeff to."

"Ok. I’ll see you in third period. Bye!"

* * * * *

Second period seemed to drag on forever, but third period finally came. Linda grabbed a seat at the cheerleader table, while Marie went to talk to the football team’s table. When she sat down, the cheerleaders gave her an evil look.

"What do you want?" Suzan’s best friend Laura asked.

"Marie and I are trying to find out what happened to Suzan and Jeff. I just wanted to ask you a few questions," Linda explained.

"Well… If that’s all then I guess its ok for you to sit here," Laura replied. "So what did you want to know?"

"Was she acting strange the day before she was murdered?"

"Yes actually. She would jump at the smallest noise, was really tense, wouldn’t let anyone touch her, and she stuttered when we were around Miss Klava," Laura listed them off and gave Linda time to write it down before she said another one. "She told me she had just watched a scary movie the night before, but I don’t believe that. Her mom won’t let her watch scary movies. The last time she did, Suzan wouldn’t come out of her room for four days."

Half of the paper was filled with evidence by the time the bell rang for fourth period. Thank goodness they couldn’t find a substitute today. Linda thought. She met with Marie at lunch and they compared notes. They looked them over and talking about it for a while.

"Maybe we should go asking around the neighborhood again. We got good results last time we did it," Marie suggested.

"Yea. Let’s try it again. Maybe someone saw Jeff leaving the town," Linda replied.

* * * * *

Linda was now sitting on a doorstep outside of the local apartment buildings. Her luck had not held out for her this trip. Almost everyone she talked to ether slammed the door in her face, or had known information that would help her any.

At least this is the last house.

she thought. Going up to the door, she gathered the last of her faiths and knocked on the door.

"Hello," an elderly lady said when she answered the door.

"Hi," Linda replied. "I’m working on the missing child case. I know that you seem to know a Jeff Claster. Did you see him anywhere in town a few days ago?"

"Why yes! Yes I did. He was headed for Mcmans Street. Although I don’t know what he would want with that old street."

"Why not?" Linda asked.

"Well the only person that lives down that street anymore is Miss Klava. It’s a dead end street to, so he couldn’t get out of town that way."

"Thank you. Your information will help us greatly," Linda said. Now it’s time to take a little trip to McManus street.

She had met Marie by the entrance of Mc mans street. The road was old and cracked, while the houses lining the street looked in worse conditions. They walked down the road, looking for any sing of Jeff. At the end of the road, they came to a small white house. The windows were lit, so Linda assumed it was Miss Klava’s house. After getting as far from that house as possible, they approtched a large brick wall. It was at least ten feet tall, with slime and moss growing all over the side.

"There’s know way that Jeff could get over that," Marie exclaimed. "Let’s go. I have to be home by dinner."

While they were walking past Miss Klava’s house, Linda noticed something. Footprints were imprinted in the mud leading to the backyard.

"Come on! Let’s see if these will lead us to anything useful," she said.

They followed the footprints into the backyard. Grenades, guns, bombs, and who knows what else were in barrels scattered around the yard. What really caught her attention though, was a fresh patch of overturned dirt. She went over to it and read the gravestone behind it. It read, Jeff Claster. Someone screamed behind her, and a sack was pulled down over her head. Then she was hit in the head with something she assumed was metal, and blacked out.

* * * * *

When Linda woke up, she was in the trunk of an old car. The carpet was now molded over and the hood rusted and brown. What do I do! Linda thought. She looked he around in a panic, trying to see if Marie was with her. She was the only person in the car. Let’s see if the survival training dad taught me will pay off. First I need to kick out the tail light. She blindly moved her foot around until she found the taillight. With hard kick, she got the old, broken taillight to come out. She then got the car jack and stood it up. After cranking it for what seemed like hours, it finally pushed up against the hood enough to break the rusted lock. The trunk popped open.

Linda then started running towards Miss Klava’s house. As she passed the barrels full of weapons, she grabbed a loaded gun. I might need this. she thought.

Inside the house, she found Marie and miss Klava. Marie was gaged and laying on her side on the floor. Miss Klava had a gun pointed at her. With a shaking hand, Linda lined up the gun and hit the trigger. A sudden scream came from Miss Klava, then she fell onto her face. She was dead. Blood poured out of a gunshot wound on her back. Linda then called the police and went to help Marie get loose.

* * * * *

Three weeks have passed since Linda and Marie had exposed Miss Klava. The case of Jeff Claster and Suzan Parkers were now closed. As Linda sat on her doorstep, She was glad that knowbody would ever be hurd by Miss Klava ever again. She had accomplished the best thing of all. She had won.

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