Goku and Naruko best friends?!

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After the whole situation with Kyuubi Konoha needed some much needed repairment. Surely Hurizen callen council to decided what to do with Naruko and Goku. Danzo suggested to turn the Yondaime daughter into the weapon, since she had both potential and fox to do it. That was the first dismissed in the meeting. Luckily for Hurizen Danzo and council(civiliam part) were focusing primeraly onto Naruko and they didn't not care about Goku in the slightest.

Old man was listening to ideas until the head of Nara clan offered a solution. He said that both would be going to orphanage until they finish their academy. After that they will have apartment on their own. Also council said that Goku and Naruko is not relanted by blood so kinda Goku was already an orphan by design. Thought he was allowed to train unrestrictectly much to Hurizen's approval and shinobi council astonishment. 

Also they decided that Naruko herritage should not be revealed to anyone. Goku was the easier case in this situation, since Minato and Kushina weren't his parents Goku did not have to fear to lose his live to  Kiwa operatives. Finally council has created a law that insured that no one could know that Naruko is jinchiriki unless she herself will tell about it. Alas this law didn't apply to Goku either. 

When all business with council is finished Hurizen dismissed the council. Hurizen only thinks to not let Minato down. 'I hope I can provide the best live to Goku and Naruko' Hurizen wondered and perhaps asked spirits of sky. 

3 years later

Three years flew like a rocket launched into the deep space. Lord Third did the best he could to made Goku and Naruko's live easier and better. But he failed to do so. Somehow the rumor of Naruko being nine-tails escaped from his grasp. After that everyone(almost any civilian) hated Naruko with all their darkened hearts and souls. 

Though Goku was luckier in that regard, since he wasn't Kyuubi jailer but he was known in a village as Warrior Kid. Hurizen knew that Goku was special to him Goku herritage was unknown. However Goku even as 4-5 years old kid was supernaturally strong, fast, durable. If Hurizen would have ever be asked about how strong Goku is, he would say that Goku is undoutably very powerful kid. 

He heard that Goku was able to easily knock out adults with a light punch, he heard that he was so fast he not only was able to reach 100 meters in under six seconds but also react and move so fast no one was abe to even react. It's like he was born to fight which Goku was oftenly talking about. Apperently Goku main goal was to become stronger and better. That pretty much it. It was weird of course but Goku said tha the wanted to achieve greater strength to protect his friends and village with all his might. 

His determination was bigger thaт any shinobi he ever heard. He could see his spirit and eyes burning with such passion and deducation for training and getting stronger. Even as of now Goku's supernatural powers made him at least at level of formidable shinobi. If Hurizen would to guess he would safely say definitely above genin so chunin,since jonin could win against Goku with low difficulty. 

That is if they would end fight quickly. He and most of his jonins knew that it takes a lot to win a fight with Goku, he is a genious in taijutsu that is for sure. One time he fought against chunin and outdid that man in his own style. It was a perk Goku had which allowed him to adapt to his opponent. Moreover in a fight Goku will grow stronger, faster and etc. This yet another one of his abilities as a fighter. 

But how do they know all of this anyways we may ask? Well Hurizen knw that Goku was the one to become friends with Naruko. He was one of the few people that didn't see her as a demon but as a normal four years old girl that she was. She was small and fragile in comparison to Goku who stood tall and strong. 

No one dared to mess around with Naruko in presence of Goku at least. Every villager in Konoha learned their lesson. That was this one time when Goku saw especially violant beating that Naruko received in her birthdays that he snaped and defeated hundreds of civilians. Due to his good reputation and behavior he was not charmed for defended the demon. Though he was warned not to do something like that again.  Not that he ever listened to this anyways. 

Actually Hurizen thought that Naruko was probably the one that was now pushing Goku to train so he will become super-duper strong one day. In the following years as both Goku and Naruko entered academy Goku really showed his neverending potential. He was able to learn every single taijutsu style in a mounth only. Whie he may have lacked in throwing kunais and chakra. 

It was a little bit disturping that Goku didn't have any chakra. Hokage of the village didn't know how exactly it is possible, when he was checked by Hyuga he said something rather fascinating. He said that Goku possesed some kind of energy or how he called it life energy that seemed a lot more potent that chakra itself. That meant that Goku had something far more powerful that any type of chakra. 

Goku lately when he was one year in the academy discovered this so called "life energy". Thus, Goku prefered to call it Ki which meant life energy anyways. Progress in this field wasn't much but Goku only started to feel his grasp on this ki. Old man hokage could defenitely see why this ki was more powerful than chakra. Goku with this energy created a small ball that was able to oblirate huge rocks or trees. 

Naruko also become a lot stronger like Goku since she expressed that she wanted to be like Goku and is going to be Hokage one day. Her training was all the could muster. Starting from physical aspect and ending with charka natures. She had huge potential waiting to be used. Hurizen could tell that he was proud of both Goku and Naruko. 

However he later on assigned them mentors that will help them in their strengthes and weaknesses as well. Goku main weakness was fact that he was not only kind-hearted, he had no experience and in fight he could let his guard down for a bit. That why he was paired with Maito Gai the best and strongest taijutsu master in the world. Naruko gained Kakashi as a teacher to help her grow in every direction. 

To be continued....

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