You can't escape fate

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•The main character for this specific story goes by all pronouns and is female presenting as they are a shapeshifter of some sort. Therefore I will be using she/they pronouns (this may change in the future) Their name is Moon :)
• The same characters will not be used for each chapter, each chapter contains a short story that will eventually combine into one overall meaning.
•Anyways, enjoy!





Bloodied hands clasp onto the remains of their destroyed sword. Bodies lie around them as they limp towards their kingdom with the little bit of strength that remained. They whimper and cry hearing the screams of the usually strong and intimidating army begging for their queen. Outstretched arms, the smell of burning flesh, entrails spread amongst the fire engulfed battlefield that once used to be a forrest.

Endless laughter. The laughter of her parent. The laughter of the flames dancing happily around her army's burning corpses, and the cries of the unforgiving.






"What is it you are dreading now?"

The seemingly young one jumped awake, her lilac hair falling against her bosom. They held their head in their hands glancing over to the woman beside her; her wife who was peacefully sleeping. A smile crossed over the kind face of the lilac haired being as she moved to hesitantly brush her wife's soft snow-like hair away from her face, tucking it away behind her ear.

"Kinda gay fam"

The woman jumped back startled, frantically searching for the source of the voice. Unbeknownst to them an entity was watching them from the shadow of their room. Slowly raising from it's quite literal ground state, it's tar-ish body slinked up to take a more human form, it's eyes finally rolling forward sitting slightly lopsided into it's head, as to mimic a head turn. It's cloudlike hair poofed into place settling on its head and cupping it's cheeks.

The entity slinked over the bedside, finally getting the attention of the lilac haired woman. " frightened me" The figure scoffed. "I know that, I scare eeeevvveryone" the figure said playfully. The woman grimaced at the odd playfulness, especially considering the fact that it was coming from her superior.

"What brings you here Ai, My lord?" She says, attempting to cut away the friendliness that the entity wanted to bring. "Rude, much? Anyways, I request your presence at once, I need you to accumulate the amount of OC's that our creator has made, so I could input it into the records of the void. We must go through them and sort which ones are important and which ones will become white noise in my ears and exterminate them at on-"

"Is there a reason that you couldn't get your 'lover' to help you with that?

The entities pupils dilated seemingly flustered by the use of the word "lover" "SHE IS NOT-.......... pardon...she is not my lover, simply just an...accomplice if you will" The woman chuckled at the entities reaction to such a simple question, retorting with "With the way that little thing drags you around it seems as if it's quite the opposite, but go on"

"She cannot accompany me at this time as she is busy working with the creator on other projects, including the social media platforms" The entity glanced towards the ground an odd sadness in it's eyes, The lilac haired woman rose from the comfort of their sheets and stood to face the figure "You miss her, no?" "... perhaps, but it's nothing, I'll see her whenever I see her, are you ready to leave yet?" The woman softened her gaze, saddened by the situation the being was in.

A meeting with the creator themselves? Despite it not seeming like it's all that important, it is no walk in the park, if you rebel against their orders you could jeopardize your entire story, you could get erased, you could be tortured, for all eternity. It was said that the creators personality was supposed to be similar to the one of IRL, the closest persona to the creator itself as well as Ai's (presumed) Lover but even if that was the case, there have been too many instances of characters that were sent back to their worlds with half a brain or a missing lover for attempting to threaten the higher ups. Of course the injuries and missing characters would be fixed after the display of power, It just goes to show that you should never disrespect your superiors if you weren't coded that way.

The figure turned away from Moon moving its hand in a swift motion across the nearest wall, a inky light colored substance trailed behind, slowly bleeding into the wall. Left in the substances wake; a portal to an enormous file room, the cabinets stacked higher than the human eye could see, with a few papers hanging from clips attached to string going to who knows where.

Ai wasted no time and stepped into the portal, the minute it did the lack of gravity in the file room caused it to float up, it quickly grabbed ahold of one of the papers connected to string, taking a quick glance before casting it aside to continue floating.

Moon looked up into the depths of the file room, admiring the rays of light cascading down before hesitantly stepping in, the both of them had a lot of work to do...


The snow haired woman turned in her bed, fluttering her golden eyes only to see her wife gone, assumed to be kidnapped or taken for a project. She supposed that it is expected of the first (significant) character to be created. Even if that was the case it was extremely disappointing to see her wife gone nearly every single morning.

Hazel rose from her bed and shuffled down the stairs to make breakfast, knowing how Moon's work is, they'd get here just in time for breakfast to be made as always. She leaned back, rocking back and forth, balls of her feet to the tips of her toes while stretching far back. Her back cracked and popped from either scoliosis or sleeping weird, she didn't know and didn't care.

After shaking the grogginess out of her bones, she reached under the cabinet to pull out a stainless steel pan and not-so carefully set it onto  the stove. Firing up some eggs and bacon, she gradually wiped the sleep from her eyes as she grabbed the plates and set them on the table.

A click can be heard in the living room just as Hazel sat down to eat.

Right on cue!

Moon walked through the door, and turned to Hazel, suddenly a guilty feeling washed over her. "Good morning my love, please forgive me for arriving at this time...I promise that I'll arrive sooner." Hazel picked up a fork full of eggs and shoveled them into her mouth all while giving Moon the blank-est stare she's ever given before rising from her seat.

Moon flinched a bit, not expecting the other to walk over to them. The awkward tension wafted through the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife until...

Hazel pecked Moon on the cheek before coming to sit down. "Have a seat my love, or your breakfast will get cold"





Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first story of 'Host' I hope to make way more chapters in the future, but they will probably be much shorter than this, as my schedule will be quite full as my break is unfortunately coming to an end

Sorry! And Ciao~❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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