Prologue: How it all Began

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In the year 1845 beautiful dark skinned witch, Hanonca was sold to the mayor of Newcume, she was to be his personal slave, following him around everywhere and do whatever he asked of her. She didn't mind though, he was a kind man and treated her well. So well that she couldn't help but fall in love with him. It wasn't just that he treated her well, he talked to her like she was an equal and only treated her like a slave while in public, which she understood, because even then he was a kinder master than most.

After almost two years of working for him James, her master, took her up to his study and smiled at her with his beautiful sweet smile. A smile that just light up his entire face, "this is going to be vastly inappropriate, but......" he said trailing off, then before he could seem to stop himself he grabbed onto her arm and gently pulled her to him. He looked in to her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, seeing that she had golden flecks in her irises. "I'm falling in love you" he said and searched her eyes for a response moment before leaning down and kissing her softly.

Hanonca gasped in shock when James pulled her close to him, she really didn't know what to expect or even what to do. She just looked up at him, and met his gaze, smiling small and a bit nervously. Then he spoke again and her mouth dropped open in her surprise. Even with everything that was happening that was the last things she expected to hear. "I..I" she stumbled unable to find words, and it turns out she didn't need to because a moment later James was kissing her. She froze a moment before kissing him back.

James pulled back after several moments and smiled at her, he searched her eyes again and smiled brighter when he didn't see disgust or hatred shining back at him, but love instead. "I don't know when it happened but I am." He said. "I falling in love you"

Hanonca smiled "Me too" she said and meant it with every fiber of her being.

After that day things went about normally, on the surface, behind closed doors James and Hanonca couldn't keep their arms off of each other. Their love grew strong and fast, and it was going great until Hanonca made a terrible mistake. Being a witch in all she did cast spells every once in a while. About a year after James and Hanonca got together, the towns people became suspicious and started accusing her of being a witch. James refused to even acknowledge such accusations, both because he already knew it was true and because he didn't want to be the one sentencing her to death, being the governor and all.

Hanonca and James knew what was coming so they got prepared. She got everything together to curse the town, if they ever tried anything against her. She even cast a spell on James, making it impossible for him to ever age or die. They planned on doing the same to herself, but the first time took too much out of her. So she planned on doing it the next day, only she never got there.

That night the towns people took it into their own hands and broke into the Mayor's house and dragged Hanonca out of her bed and out to the court yard. As they strung her up, she used the little power she had at the moment and cursed the town as she had planned on doing. Making it so the town's people and all their future generations would never be able to leave the town's borders. If they even tried they would live a life worse than death.

When James found out what they were doing he tried to stop them. He ran over to her to cut her down but three men grabbed onto him and held him back. He was forced to watch as the love of his life strangled to death for almost fifteen minutes. He scream and struggled against the men but they just wouldn't let him go. After they cut Hanonca down they strung him up next for trying to help her, no sympathy for witches.

James died more quickly than Hanonca and he was cut down and thrown onto a wagon with her. They took both bodies into the forest, still within the town's borders, and dumped them in the pit of the damned. A place where they dumped all dead witches or murders. Only problem was that James wasn't really dead, and when he woke up he was pissed. He killed dozens of people before he collapsed in a bloody mess back at his house. After that he took the chance to torture the town's people every chance he got.

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