3/2 - Your forever

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                                                                                    * 1 year later*

                                                                                          * Y/N *                

How's your forever? Fucking hell, this man is literally the definition of controlling. You dont mind you really dont but recently its gotten out of hand. He forced you to talk about your employer all you wanted was a normal relationship but that's not possible with a mafia boss is it? You sigh " what's wrong baby?" he looks at you brows knitted together in worry you smile softly to reassure him.  You know deep down even now you don't mind his controlling behavior. 

You're stressed and trying to find a reason to push him away. It's funny you always wanted someone but now that you have your person you're too scared to let him go or have him decide he doesn't want you anymore. You couldn't bear that thought your eyes start to water and he grabs you and puts you on his lap. " Baby you need to tell me what's wrong" you mentally weigh out your options. 

You take a sharp breath inward and a tear starts to fall, Getos eyes widen in shock. You let out a gasp, you haven't cried since you were 9 when your family was murdered and you were left to fend for yourself on the streets. Well maybe when you were 16 but then it was joy and the tears never actually fell. You wiped the tears but they kept running, maybe it needed to happen. The tears stung like little swords pricking your face and you for the first time a realization hit you. You loved Geto, not just like LOVE. You had never felt love, not from your family, friends, or even animals you owned. It hit you so hard and the tears started pouring like a river of fire burning your eyes and kissing your hands as they fell from your chin. 

Geto picks you up by the waist and sets you on his lap. He was treating you delicately as if you were a porcelain family heirloom, like a flower his hands ghosted your back. He gently rubbed you with his left hand gently pushing, no. Not pushing, placing, yes much better. Placing your head in the crook of his neck as you sobbed, it was the first time you've ever sobbed in your existence. Your parents always said you didn't cry when entering this world you came to believe that from the start you knew you weren't gonna be loved. You never really realized how much that could hurt, you never really had time to think about it. The tears wouldn't stop, they refused you needed this. You craved it in a weird way. It has always seemed like a weakness but it actually was power in itself. Only the truly powerful could cry and not be ashamed of their feelings. Maybe your thinking was flawed, maybe you were never truly powerful. But there's one thing to be sure of you're the fucking best there is, you just need to remember that. You finally muster up the courage.

 " G-geto" You sniffled, you wished you sounded more confident but it came out crackly. "Yes, baby what's wrong?" he cooed. You inhale " I'm in love with you, and-" you begin to ramble. He stops you dead in your tracks with a chuckle. " It was really scary to say 'I love you'?" You huff " Yes, what if you leave, what if I'm not good enough? What if" Your lip trembles and you feel the burn in your nose and chest. He chuckled " You were made for me. Leave you? If I did I'm sure you'd chop my balls off so that's a no. Not good enough? There's no one even remotely close to you in personality, beauty, temper, recklessness and unfortunately stupidity." He softly kisses your lips as if to both reassure you and apologize for calling you stupid. You accept the apology with a giggle. " Lets get married" Geto said breaking the silence. " The fuck? I knew you were crazy but-" he cut you off " I'm serious, lets do it today. Oi driver take us to the court house." You were taken aback by shock I mean you weren't gonna say no. He looked at you expectantly so you kissed him. That's all you could think to do.

*Time skip ^^*

" Do you Geto take Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and heath and death till you part?" (A/n does that sound right? aish IDK lol.) " I do" you saw that same sparkle in his eye when you knew he was committed. " Do you Y/n take Geto as your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and heath and death till you part?" His fingers nervously clutched onto yours reminding you hes human too. Not that you forgot he was just you never really thought about it. " I do" He smirked and before the random old man could say 'you may now kiss the bride' his lips smashed onto yours. The pastor giggled and mutter something about young love. The ride home was quiet but you knew this was forever now. He was your forever.

The End.


I know this one was short and I'm sorry ^^

I really didn't know if I should add smut but I'm open to comments criticism and requests. I can always add another part but I wont do it unless requested.

Thank you for making it this far I had a lot of fun even with my break from this (personal) BUT i finished thanks to those who read it and made it this far!


Your local unnie ^^

Bloodshed Geto suguru X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now