Chapter 3

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"Hey guys" Aguri said

"Oh hey Aguri-chan!" Mana said

"So what are you doing?" Aguri said

"Oh Alice teach this kid a lesson" Rikka said

"Oh cool. Do you want to have a sleepover at my house?" Aguri said

"Sure" Everyone said

"Then follow me!" Aguri said

At her house

"Let's play truth or dare!" Alice said

"Okay!" Everyone said

"Ok Rikka truth or dare?" Mana said

"Truth" Rikka said

"Do you really like Ira?" Aguri said

"U-uhm y-yes" Rikka said blushing furiously

"O-ok Alice truth or dare?" Rikka said

"Dare!" Alice said

"I want to do a sad cat dance" Rikka said

"What's that?" Alice said

"Just move your hips ok?" Rikka said

"Ok" Alice said

*does the dance*

"Oh uhm" Makoto said blushing

"What is it?" Alice said

"Yeah what is it?" Mana said snooping

"IT'S NOTHING OK!!" Makoto said yelling

"Oh ok" Alice said

At sleep time

"Hey Makoto" Mana said awake

"Hmm?" Makoto said little sleepy

"Are you in love with Alice?" Mana said

"What?! No! Are you crazy?! I barely know her!" Makoto said blushing furiously

"Ok if you said so" Mana said

Makoto: Mind: Phew. I need to tell Alice how I feel without distractions.

Total Words: 208

"Huh?!  Me in Love?!" Makoto x Alice StoryWhere stories live. Discover now