My Dads Want to Meet You (PP)

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Winifred looked up at her dads from her spot on the couch. She was accosted after getting home from the train station by both her fathers asking to meet her loosely named boyfriend, Peter.

"I don't want you to scare him away," she stated, her eyes narrowing as she looked at them.

Steve let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "Freddie, we just want to meet the kid that you are seeing, that's all." He looked at his husband, who had a pained look on his face; he nudged him with his elbow and raised a brow, "Right Buck?"

Bucky looked at him and grunted with a half hearted nod before turning to head into the kitchen.

"Daddy, promise me he will be nice to Peter," Winifred pleaded, "he's really a good guy."

"I know sweetie, and I promise to keep your dad in line as best as I can." He took a step forward and kissed the top of her head before following Bucky to talk to him.

Winifred fell back against the couch with a sigh. She knew this day would come when her dads would find out she was seeing a boy at her school (mostly study groups or friend dates) and would want to see him. It wasn't something she was looking forward too, mostly because her dad, Bucky, was a bit overprotective of her, which her other dad would explain it as he used to protect him when he was a kid and he was an older child.

She reached for her phone and took a deep breath as she sent Peter a message asking if he wanted to get some ice cream tomorrow

My dads want to meet you.

Steve walked into the kitchen seeing his husband scrub absentmindedly at a pan he used to prepare dinner. He wrapped his arms around his waist, pressed himself into him, and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"You don't have to be a grumpy pants," Steve started softly, pressing a kiss at the junction of where his neck and shoulder met.

"I'm not being a grumpy pants," Bucky practically growled, "just...she's too young to be dating."

Steve tried hard to repress his chuckle, and failed. "Hun, she's almost seventeen. You really think she was going to go through school without one boyfriend?" Bucky grunted and kept scouring the pan. "Just be nice to the kid. From what Natasha said, he's in the honor roll, loves technology, and is pretty awkward. Doesn't sound much like a fiend to me."

"I just don't want to see her get hurt," Bucky admitted softly, setting the pan down into the tub of water. He leaned his head back to rest on Steve's shoulder and sighed. "It doesn't help that she looks a lot like Becca."

"I know hun, but she is seventeen. She's allowed to grow up and date and get hurt. Look at us."

"That's why I don't want her to be hurt. I was that guy who broke girls' hearts," Bucky replied bitterly.

"It's a life lesson. Remember when I broke your heart?"

"If Peggy was a guy, I would have broken her face," he growled, turning in his husband's arms, and braced back on the sink with his hands.

"You always were a jealous one when it came to me," Steve teased, leaning forward to nudge his nose with his. "Thank goodness times changed and we were finally able to be us."

Bucky snorted and the corners of his lips hitched slightly. "You're such a romantic," he replied with a roll of his eyes.

"You love it," Steve scoffed, smiling fully, "besides, if I could, I would have done the same to the girls you dated."

That had Bucky laughing, head hanging back. "Oh...oh Steve. That's a sight I would have loved to see. Dot would have kicked your ass."

"Peggy would have kicked yours," he countered, narrowing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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