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A soft dawn light flickered into the den promising a warm and peaceful day for the cats of Shadowclan. Two boulders, shimmering in tones of greys hid the medicine den which was inclosed and separate from the rest of the camp, offering  a sense of privacy for a well exhausted queen. A gentle looking she-cat lay in a nest near the entrance, her eyes tightly shut in weariness  as a tom bent over her, pressing his body against hers to help stream the sunlight in his pelt into hers. The tom had a soft white pelt with gentle shades of a greyish-brown, his pelt well groomed and his dazzling blue eyes sparking with affection for his mate. The tom settled beside the queen, beginning to curl up around her before his movement was interrupted by a  fluffy outline of a white and brown kitten squirming around the queen's white belly fur, squeaking for a meal.

Letting out a small grunt of effort, the she-cat blinked her eyes open and let her small, delicate she-kit crowd around her stomach, her demanding mews put to an end as she began to suckle her mother. "Glazesight, you're awake so early! The dawn patrols only recently left." The tom chuckled, whiskers twitching in amusement. "You did so well last night. Just look at her, isn't she perfect?" He purred, angling his ears toward the tiny kitten. The queen puffed out her chest fur, smiling. "Thank you for being there for me, Blizzardshade...Smokeleaf says you refused to leave my side. You really made me feel at ease whilst delivering Swiftkit." Blizzardshade wrapped his tail around Glazesight, a loud purr rumbling in his throat once more. "Of course I refused. I'll always stand beside you no matter what. I love you and Swiftkit. I'm so proud to be starting a family with you." His eyes glowed with pride as he snuggled closer to the queen.

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