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I can feel the world crumbling between my eyes. The world is getting darker and darker every second that goes by.

 My name is Noah, I am one of those typical middle schoolers that has barely any friends and can't nearly survive a day.

 I go to school with my best friend, Suki. Luckily, we are in the same homeroom class, But recently, life has been getting boring. Everyone has been acting differently after the incident. Nobody in my whole school won't say a sound. 

Incident 1022: Our middle school was attacked on the first day of school.

 Two men walked into the school during when the busses were able to let their children off.

 The men ran out and attacked anyone who crossed paths with him, 37 people died that day.

Me and my best friend Suki were not there when that happened, the bus was super late.

The whole bus stop was silent the whole time.

"This is boring Noah!" Suki says.

"Just, be patient" I say.

I look up at the rising sun.

The wind brushes against my black light leather coat.

"Hey Noah!" Suki says. "Do you want to play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe?"

"Yeah sure! "But we don't have any paper?"


You have to be kidding me.

The bus is here.

Me and Suki get onto the bus.

10 Minutes later....

The bus pulls up into the bus slot.

Everyone on the bus walk into the school.

Blood everywhere.

A teacher had to evacuate us to safety.


Now everyone is scared for their lives. School is still open, but every student tends to look at the window once in a while, looking like they are about to break it open.

Today in school wasn't any different, just random math in the start of homeroom with everyone looking at the ground like they were ashamed of something.

I walk over to Suki, and slightly tug on his pure green jacket.

"Suki!" I say softly. "Why do you and everyone else act like this! This isn't normal for someone like you!"

Suki was my best friend; he has always been calm and kind to others. Now he is looking like a pile of mush sitting in a chair.

"Suki, I get that so many people died, but you have to stay happy!" I spoke. "That is your normal attitude! that's how I want to see yo-"

I am interrupted by a slap on the chest from Suki. 

"IT ISN'T ABOUT ALL THE DEATHS!" Suki said in a really loud voice, but nobody could hear him because they were trying to ignore existence.  

"Come to the bathroom with me after homeroom, it seems that is where 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 get their victims." Suki says in a serious voice.

"Wait, who is 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚, anyway?" Noah says as Suki walks out the door as the bell rings.

The bell has rung, Suki and Noah slowly walk behind everyone else.

"I have art class, and I have a doctor's note from my sister, we are free to go." Suki says quietly.

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