Chapter 10: Missing

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When Murphy and Bellamy entered the camp, the others looked extremely relieved. "I'm so glad you are okay," Octavia said.
"What's wrong?" Murphy asked grimly.
"Monty was dragged off by some big creature, and Jasper is injured." Octavia replied, glancing at Bellamy.
"Who is he?"
They introduced each other quickly, but were more concerned about the attack. "Who's treating Jasper's wounds?" Murphy questioned.
"One of the new girls, Clarke. She is pretty skilled with herbs and stuff," Octavia said, leading Murphy to one of the huts. Murphy motioned for Bellamy to wait outside.
He gasped at Jasper's state. The poor boy had deep claw marks on his shoulders and gashes on his arms and legs. Clarke was doing something with herbs- Murphy had no clue what any of that leafy stuff was for. She and Octavia briefly discussed what was being done about his injuries. "He was hurt pretty bad, but will recover," Clarke finished. Murphy leaned over his friend. "It'll be okay, Jasper."
Then he turned and left the hut with Octavia.
--The next day--
"Bellamy, I'm sorry we don't have time for formal introductions and tours," Octavia told him.
Bellamy took a bite of meat before replying. "It's fine, do you want help in looking for that guy?"
A look of worry crossed Octavia's face, but it disappeared and a weak smile took its place. "No, Lincoln, Indra, and Miller set out searching at dawn."
Bellamy nodded and they sat eating in silence together. (Murphy was still asleep of course.)
Lexa's POV:
"Clarke, you should get some rest," I told her insistently. She hadn't slept since Jasper was put in her care. "I'm fine," Clarke said. I could tell she was exhausted.
"He's okay for now, I'll watch him and you can sleep," I said. She sighed and nodded in consent. "You promise to wake me if anything happens?" she asked, taking my hands in hers and smiling. "Of course," I whispered. Then she kissed me on the cheek and left, leaving me blushing. 'That girl is amazing' I thought, turning around to watch Jasper.

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