Chpt 14: Nightmare

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My bare feet ached as a I ran through an endless sea of green. I couldn't seem to find a way out of this forest. Everywhere I looked I saw trees and the occasional animal. I swear the trees were the same every few feet but I was on running away. What was I even running from? My lilac colored dress was lifted up to my knees so that I wouldn't trip over the obscene amount of fabric. The corset making me feel as though my lungs had no room to expand. I saw a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel of green and as I got closer I could vaguely see a small figure standing in the way. It became clear it was a woman but why wasn't this woman moving? 

"HEY.... HEYYY.... EXCUSE ME" I yelled breathlessly as I got closer to the woman in the path. She turned to face me and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "Mother?" 

I shot up out of  my bed and saw my mothers face disappearing from my thoughts. I took a few big gulps of air before slowly laying back down and looking up at the night sky that Peter had enchanted on my ceiling. My breathing finally returned to normal when I felt Peters presence in my room. 

"Whats going on in here, are you alright?!" Peter grabbed my shoulders and looked wildly in my eyes, searching for the cause of the disturbance. 

"Yes Im alright I just had a nightmare" I couldn't make eye contact with Peter out of embarrassment for my involuntary outburst. I continued to stare at the stars as Peters face came into view. He had a soft look on his face as he examined me. 

"Do you wanna talk about it, love?" We locked eyes and I felt comfort and security as I debated letting him into my thoughts. 

"Theres not much to talk about, I was running through a forest, ruining a very beautiful dress by the way," Peter chuckled as I continued "and when I reached the end of the forest I saw my mother. I haven't seen my mother since I was a child and she abandoned my father and I" 

I could see the wheels in Peters head turning as he took in this information. "Do you think it has any meaning?" He spoke his thoughts out loud.

"Im not sure I can't think of one at the moment. I had no relation to my mother and I never felt the need to have one. Maybe its just my subconscious reminding me and what I never had after my reminiscing last night." I frowned to myself as I thought of seeing my mothers face for the first time in over a decade. Peters hands moved their way up to cup my face as he placed a gentlefolks kiss on my nose, making me instantly relax even more. 

"Im going to help you go back to sleep, just relax darling" Peter removed one hand from my face and waved it over my face. I felt my body get heavier as darkness overcame my vision. "Sleep tight Cat" 

~The next morning~

I woke up out of the most peaceful sleep I think I've ever had. Whatever magic Peter used really helped me sleep a dreamless sleep. I got myself ready for the day before wandering down to the fire. There were a few lost boys rubbing their tired eyes as they set up for breakfast. "Good morning fellas"

"Good morning Cat" The few lost boys said in union without even looking my way. "Hey Cat, do you mind picking some fruit for breakfast, we seem to have eaten it all" 

"Sure thing buttercup" I sent a smirk towards the boy who asked as I picked up the fruit basket and headed into the forest. I decided to hum a little tune as I ventured out into the leafy path. A little ways ahead I could see some red berries just waiting to picked so I decided to start there. As I was picking the berries I felt an all-too-familiar presence besides me.

"How did you sleep after I left, you looked very peaceful." He had a cute little smirk as he looked at the fruit on the bush.

"I slept amazing, thank you Peter, truly." I looked up and could see that he seemed genuinely happy by my answer. "Now are you here to watch or to help" 

"I don't know love, I quite like watching you" 

"Are you stalking me, Pan" I laughed lightly as I stood up from the ground, making sure to be as close to Peters body as possible, so when is good up we were chest to chest. 

"Only with your permission, of course" He looked down at my lips before lightly placing a kiss upon them. I didn't hesitate to kiss back but I didn't let it go any farther seeing as I had a job to do. 

"As much as I would love to continue with other activities, I have a mission. Fruit." I held the basket in front of Peters face as I backed away to go off to find other varieties of fruit that were scattered on the island. 

"I suggest the trees close to the spring we... bathed... in. There are a few peach and apple trees that way." He stood with his hands behind his back in the same place I left him. 

"Thank you, sir" I winked at Peter before heading to where he suggested, peaches sound delicious right now. When I made it to the spring it made me think of what occurred here only a day ago. I smiled at the thought and caught sight of the fruit trees. I picked enough to fill the basket, stealing a peach for myself obviously, and made my way back to camp. Hopefully the boys will be satisfied. 

I arrived at camp and it seems like all the boys were awake now and getting set up for breakfast. "Mother dearest has brought some goodies" I announced as I walked up to the table filled with bacon and and oats. I set the basket down and a few boys swarmed around me. 

"Oooo peaches and apples and berries! Thank you Cat!" One of the younger boys thanked me before stealing a berry. I laughed and saw Felix make his way over. He rested an arm on my shoulder and leaned on it, seeing as I was much shorter than him. 

"Good job, Mother" Felix mocked me which made me roll my eyes. 

"I tell stories and supply food, I think I live up to the title."

"You know Pan does all that too so I guess he could also be considered Mother Dearest. So you might have some competition." Hearing Felix refer to Peter as Mother Dearest made me laugh loudly which caught the attention of Peter who was just wandering around camp. 

"What could Felix have possibly said that was so funny" Peter asked as he made his way over with a sour look on his face. 

"Oh nothing." I tried my best to give an innocent look until one of the other boys ruined it.

"Felix said you're like our mother" I gasped at the honesty of the boy who must've not been thinking when he said it. 

"Traitor" I whispered under my breath as I tried to hold in my giggles as I looked at Peters face. He looked almost offended but also satisfied with the title. He didn't say anything as he walked away with his hands on his hips. Everyone around the table just chuckled and carried on preparing the meal. This was going to be a day of laughter and mischief, and yes, I do plan to cause some of it. 

Colette CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora