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Name: star heart

Gender: female

Body color: light pink

Hair color: purple pink

Eye color: right eye purple, left eye pink

Her Height: 15 years old

Weakness: poison

Personality Star heart had a lovely life

Who is she?: Star heart was a power born stickfigure she lived in a house in a mountain with her parents and her sister

Where did she come from?: she came from her parents

Relatives?: mom, dad, big sister

Likes: reading, drawing, singing, flowers

Dislikes: seeing people being danger

Weapon: Katana, Sword, Shield, Nunchuck, Hoverboard

Ability: levitation, agility, walk on water, breath underwater

Powers: rainbow, stars, galaxy, lightness, darkness

Rainbow eye color power: fairy wings, sword,
shield, portal open to other places, healing, rainbow bow and arrow, mind sharing memory, rainbow forcefield, change rocks into crystals, rainbow dress

Star eye color power: fairy wings, sword, star blast, glow, Star scepter, Star forcefield, Star bow and arrow, Star dress

Galaxy eye color power: fairy wings, galaxy blast, sword, glow, galaxy force field, galaxy scepter, galaxy bow and arrow, galaxy dress

Lightness eye color power: lightness blast, sword, Angel wings, glow, luminous pressure, light scepter, light bow and arrow, light forcefield, light dress

Darkness eye color power: darkness blast, dark gun, bat wings, dark bow and arrow, dark forcefield, dark dress

Dress transformation: rainbow, star, galaxy, lightness, darkness

Ultimate dress transformation: when all powers combined she has rainbow, star, galaxy, lightness and darkness swirl dress and Angel wing on the right, bat wings on left, fairy wings on bottom

Ultimate galaxy dress transformation: when the rainbow, star and galaxy powers combined she has multicolored dress and multicolored fairy wings

Ultimate blast when all powers combined together she created the ultimate blast

Ultimate blast when all powers combined together she created the ultimate blast

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Star heart: adventures in Cier storyWhere stories live. Discover now