Chapter 3

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Our next class was social studies, the teacher is who is also known as my home room teacher that gave me a detention. 'Shoot I forgot to tell Will that I have detention after school.' Hand-in-hand Will and I walked in to social studies together and sat next to each other. "Will I need--" I was cut off by the annoying sound of my teachers voice as he started talking about the Civil War. 'Blah blah Robert E. Lee blah blah confederate blah.' Was about all I heard. I couldn't stop thinking about the stupid new girl, Reagan. When the class finally let out I had fallen asleep so Will came over to my desk and shook me awake. "You want to just skip the rest of the school day? You seem like you need it." He asked me. "I-I was meaning to tell you this before class... I have detention after school so we need to post-pone our movie until later tonight." Will sighed "so.. That's a no on skipping school. Okay. Plan B, after school I'll go home and probably take a nap then I'll come and pick you up after your detention and we can have a date night. Sound good?" I nodded and gave him a big hug, then the bell rang for connection classes "love you, see you at lunch!" I ran off to my writing class.

Callie never gets detention and by never, I mean never. I want to know why she got it but I guess I can ask her later. I think that new girl is really getting to her.
I walk into weight training and start at the treadmill to run a mile like I always do. Ryan had claimed one of the treadmills already so I got on the one next to his. I started to run in place on the small treadmill and set the speed pretty high. I started to talk to Ryan. "Hey bro!" Ryan breathed heavily like he just got done running a marathon, "hey Will. I've been meaning to catch up with you! You know that new girl... I think her name is Reagan..." "Yeah I know the girl. She's changing my girlfriend into a girl that isn't very likable anymore. But anyways what about her?" Ryan looked at him confused, "I was just gonna say she looks extra fine and her hair is beautiful I think I might ask her out" 'woah now, Ryan is my best friend and if he's dating a girl my girlfriend hates what am I going to do?' I thought to myself. "Go for it dude, If you like her I say go for it." I put in my earbuds and blocked out Ryan from whatever else he was going to say. I just ran in place for the rest of the class period.


Hey! Sorry for not updating in 4 days I think? I really couldn't think of anything to post and I'm just trying to focus on finishing this school year.. So close yet so far! Anyways I hope you liked this update and vote for it for the next update!

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