1| birthday girl

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There is something about these halls that feels different today. Yet they are the same champagne colour they've been my entire life, it was just another, another year passing. Another year older
"oh honey" Mum smiled the moment I walked into the drawing room to see her stood by Dad's desk 

Recently, the pair of them have been away travelling due to some big business partnership Dad has been working on
If anyone else was in my shoes they would be grateful for the live I had. I was born into this life, born the princess that the king and queen had been smitten with the moment I took my first breath 

But nobody sees the dark side of this place..
The utter lack of freedom, choice and just general living 

Nobody sees how I do the same thing day in and day out. I sit in the library until Noon, followed by a walk through the gardens ending with my in the studio 
Then I eat sleep and repeat
It's been that way for the longest of times 

Nobody sees the tears that fall when I lay alone in my bed. Nobody hears the nagging thoughts in my head at 3am when I can't sleep

They don't know about this place I've dreamt up in my head, nobody knows how badly I want to escape to it 
I just want one chance, one chance at a normal life. A life worth living 

"Everything is all set for tonight! Charles cannot wait to meet you" She gushed wrapping her arm around mine as we stepped closer to Dad's desk 
I looked between the pair of them slightly taken back 

Charles..? Who the hell was that.

"Who is Charles and why would I be meeting him?" I asked, Mum's eyes travelled to Dad with a look of annoyance 
I'd seen that look a lot growing up. It was mainly used whenever Dad didn't do something that he was supposed to, so now I'm sensing that I'm now missing out on something important 
"Dad?" I asked making him look up from the papers in front of him
"this business partnership. Please don't tell me.." I said with a raised brow 

It was no hidden secret that most princess are sold off to the highest bidder. I made Dad promise me at a young age that it would not be the case for me. Being born into this life took a lot of things from me but I refused to let it take that from me as well 

"Peter you said you had spoken to her about this" Mum warned him making him look me in the eyes. If he was about to betray his only child. I refused to let him shy away from it

His green eyes searched mine looking for a healthy way to approach this. But that clause was well and truly breach 
The healthy way of approaching this was letting me know before he sold me, I'm now officially now just a pawn in this game of his 

Sure, he has a country to run. He had people to protect and if marrying me off helps him, he would do it an a heartbeat and I'm sure he already has

"Anastasia" He mumbled
"If you are about to tell me what I think you are. Speak clearer, I want to hear you when you rip apart our entire relationship" I warned him hearing my mother sigh next to me

"If I didn't have to I-" He lied, it was a blatant lie.

"You made this choice. Nobody pulled your arm" I warned him, he looked at me with a hitch in his breath
Once upon a time I was his sweet little girl that could do no wrong, I would always bite my tongue when it came to his choices
In reality I think do that because the choices had never affected my directly 
I had never had a negative impact by them 
But this? This changes everything..

"Does this make you happy Dad?" I asked watching him look at me with sorrow across his face
"You have one child. One chance to get this right. One chance to give them the world but instead you sold them off at the first obstacle" I reminded him but he shook his head almost trying to convince me that this wasn't the case

"Anastasia" Mum whispered softly placing a hand on my shoulder but I shook my head
"no Mum, it's about time someone really told him how things are" I warned her 

I took a step away from my mum knowing that my words were about to leave an impact I never anticipated they would 

"I thought I meant something to you Dad. I might be a princess to the world but I thought I was a Princess to you in a different way, I thought I was your little princess" I said watching his eyes dilate slightly
"Growing up, I've watched you come and go from this place. You've passed me from Nanny to guard me entire life. But as I grew up, I thought you would include me more. Talk to me about the business side of all of this, after all I'm the only one here to take over when you leave us" I reminded him 

"But instead, instead you gave all of that up for what? What did you get for me Dad? And what is it exactly that I'm supposed to do with Charles" I asked. Mum tried to take a step towards me to try and offer some sort of comfort but the last thing I wanted was to say something to her that'll hurt her 

"You and Charles are to marry in 5 months." Dad said confidently, his eyes staying driven on me
"And what price did you get?" I asked
"That is between his father and I Anastasia" He answered dryly making me nod 

"Happy birthday to me I guess Dad" I said turning on my heels walking out of the room


Planning my next move was very important.
I sat on the window seat in my room watching as people laced the grounds with decorations for this evenings celebrations 
I was turning 21 today. Anyone else would be over joyed with this. God I remember loving my birthday, but knowing what was going on behind the scenes meant that I had now officially lost any sort of independence I had been praying I secretly had 

"Your highness" A voice said coming to knock on the door. I sighed to myself closing my eyes hoping the voice would go away

It's always your highness this, your highness that..

"The Queen has requested you join her in the ballroom in an hour for final checks on your dress" They called making me nod
"Thankyou Tyrone" I said before hearing his footsteps slowly lead away from the door 

Dad had tried to have a body guard by my side 24/7 but when I turned 18, I had gotten mum on my side and we had agreed that I don't need them around all the time but if I was in the garden or anything public eye level, they were there 

I headed over to my wardrobe picking up a small duffle back from the corner. I remember the day I stole that. I got it from one of the maids room when I was 14, I was convinced that was the night I was going to run away

But Princess Anastasia chickened out. 

Not anymore. That's over with

I didn't own many 'casual' clothing, Dad prefers us to dress to impress even in these walls. But what I did have, I threw into the bag taking a couple more essentials before looking around one final time 

If I truly had my way, this would be the last time I saw this place
But they'll find me, the time I have away is limited..

But I'll treasure it forever.

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