2| lakeside

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"So all we have to do is persuade the girls to join us?" Daniel asked as we sat in the coffee shop that afternoon
"Surely that won't be that hard. I mean, what kind of person turns down a free summer break?" Joe asked and I shrugged
"I'm not fussed if they come or not. They are your girlfriend and ultimately your-" I started before both of them cut me off

"Your problem yeah yeah" Both of them said a the same time

I looked around the coffee shop and shake my head slightly, I needed out of this city and I needed out like yesterday. I was sick of the hustle and the bustle, I wanted to relax. Lay around with no hidden plans.

The way things had been going recently was a lot. Something I never thought I would have to face, especially not this early on but here we are

"So we leave in an hour and you haven't gotten your girls to agree yet?" Carter laughed
"Being single is proving to be a lot easier" he winked at me making me roll my eyes

I've not really had the time to even think about a relationship and honestly, I think after everything I've learnt recently.. I'm better off without someone
Relationships come with drama, worry, break in trust.
They'd never end well

"An hour? We are leaving now" I reminded him nodding to the clock on the wall

The cabin was about an hour from the City, the perfect distance away from everything
I remember going there as a kid. It's been a long time since we last went
But it's never been anything but a good memory there and I want that to continue

The journey to the cabin wasn't too long, it went a lot faster after making the boys travel in their own cars. That way they could come and go as they pleased through out our time here
That'll be handy more for Joe and Daniel with their girlfriends then it would for Carter and I
"This place is fucking awesome man" Joe said charging through the living room straight off of the porch leading to the lake

I headed to the kitchen and couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh knowing about all of the things that happened in this house
"You going okay Ty?" Carter asked joining me in the kitchen

Carter and I have been more like brothers since high school. He stuck around when a lot of people didn't, we'd been through a lot together and I don't think there is anything I wouldn't trust that boy with at this point

"Yeah, it's just bringing back some things I forgot about" I answered earning a nod

"Is this the first time since she passed that you've come here?" He asked making my eyes close for a little bit

"We stopped coming here when Dad started to want something more for all of us. When he was on his hellbent mission to control both of our lives" I warned him
"Have you spoken to him recently?" He asked

There was no malicious intent behind his question, he was merely trying to be a good friend I guess
But is not the topic of conversation I would like to have right now

"No" I answered moving out of the kitchen and out to the porch

It was clear that Joe and Daniel were already making themselves at home with them being knee deep in the lake already
This is what I wanted right?

The longer I lingered around the porch the more my mind travelled back to her. She would always sit out here with one her books in her hands watching all of us playing by the lake. She loved being here, she loved the atmosphere, the way we all reacted to the lake air
She would love to be here right now..

She would have wanted to be surrounded by everyone she loved and anyone they loved too
The more people she had around her, the happier she truly was..

"You didn't really think you could come up here without us did you" A voice behind me call. I turned to see Charlotte and Bethany walking our way with their luggage making me chuckle
I think the last time we were all here like this we must have been 6 or 7 years old

"We wouldn't want you girls to miss out" I chuckled watching as they came and stood next to me offering me a smile
"Of course they are already in the water. I swear our boys are like toddlers sometimes" Bethany said rolling her eyes heading down to the water to met the boys who had also been joined by Carter

"Hey you" Charlie said making me hum in response as I watched our friends
"You doing okay?" She asked making me turn to look at her
I have a feeling that is going to be reoccurring question for the next few weeks

"As good as I can be I guess, it's strange being back here but at the same time I don't think there is anywhere else I would want to be" I reminded her

"This place holds a lot of good memories for you Tyler, of course you would be happy to be here. But that doesn't meant it won't also have it's downside too" She answered
"When did you get so wise. I thought dating Daniel would have knocked that down a peg or two" I laughed making her roll her eyes

"Dating that boy only made me more wise" She winked

She was right though, this place hold my greatest memories. I wouldn't be where I am today without this place, I owe a lot to it
But does the good really out weigh the bad?

We all needed this place in more ways then one growing up.
It was our escape from the tormenting world around us

So surely it's no surprise that I need this place more then ever now?

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