The Unique Version

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The Unique Version

For years I had tried and tried to convince myself that needed to be like the rest, trying to be different like everyone was 'suppose' to be. I changed my hair, the way I spoke and everything in between to try and please the audience.

I had continued to try to create the perfect show for the crowd to fall in love with me and yet nothing ever seemed to work for me.

How did the others achieve this?

How did the stars break the mold?

Was I missing something that had completely passed me by?

I did, I had forgotten what was truly unique.

Its was the version of myself that never neededto be changed. Then it finally hit me, to leave a legacy behind I needed tounderstand that the only way to achieve this dream of mine I had to destroy thisfictional character I created for myself and learn the true value of being authentic

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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