Part 1

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-Oh yeah baby-said the husky-eyed man-your mama did a good job on not aborting you.And for you my friend, well I'm glad we made this deal!
He was thrusting into a toddler girl. She was crying loudly.
-Oh yeah, also glad about the deal-said the girl's stepdad while counting the cash he's just received-and you Ola, shut the fk up!
The girl was silently sobbing while being yelled at, called names, hit in her head and used. She remembered how everyone said she's not worthy of love. How horrible she is. She just wanted it all to end.
-I want my daddy-she cried-where's my papa?
-Oh that fking dumbass Simeon?-her stepdad laughed-he's became a drug addict because OF YOU.
She just laid there helplessly as they kept on abusing her.

Shady suddenly woke up all covered in sweat and tears.
-Goddamit...-she whispered as she crawled out of her bed-I can't stand these flashbacks anymore.
She took a sip of water and stared blankly at her dad's photo.
-Dad, I wonder if you would have saved me if you have been there...-tears came up to her eyes-maybe I wouldn't be as I am now.
She couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, so she just stared at the wall for a few hours. Her alarm rang, she got out of her bed and all of sudden she got shaky. All of the horrible memories of being abused by her family and ex boyfriends came back. She started breaking down.
-I can't fking stand it-she cried as she slid a blade across her arm and thigh-I guess that's what you get for being a people pleaser with daddy issues.
She got herself together, put on some make up and got dressed. Took her bag and left to school immediately. Although, for the rest of the day she was mentally absent. Her psychosis was getting too much for her. And again, she failed her chemistry test.
-what the hell am I even doing here-she sighed-I'm not good at science related subjects...
At 3 PM she left her highschool and went to the nearby shop to grab some coffee. She ordered a take out latte and started walking home.

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