Part 2

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She walked and drank her coffee as suddenly her vision went black. Her head started going crazy and she started hallucinating. Then, all of sudden, she bumped into a man.
-Oh my god I'm so so sorry!- she yelled as she almost melted down-I spilled my coffee on you! Does it hurt? It was hot! I promise I will buy you a new shirt and pay for cleaning this one please!
She couldn't handle situations like this, especially not on such days.
The man had a really calm look on his face. He didn't look angry one bit. He was much taller than her. His skin was outstanding-extremely pale. He was pretty muscular. Instead of yelling, he smiled at Shady and said:
-Hey, it's alright. I know you didn't do it on purpose. It's just a stupid shirt-he laughed-I carry another one just in case.
He showed her the other shirt. She still felt guilty and bad. However, she noticed how outstanding he was. Huge, handsome, and...those teeth of his. Just like a vampire's.
-I'm so sorry- she started crying.
-Hey hey it's alright- he tried to calm her down by patting her back-we all have some bad days. It's really no big deal.
She just stared at him and was about to leave with her head looking down as he turned to her and said:
-But..perhaps you'd like to grab another coffee with me? It's on me.- he smiled again- I think you're a really kind girl, and I'd be an absolute dickhead if I let you go home sad and
She couldn't believe her senses. Someone wanted to go somewhere with her? Buy her something? Make her feel better? "No way this is real" she thought.
-You must be joking-she smiled surcastically- no one ever invites me anywhere, ba, no one ever even tries to make me feel better...
He, still smiling, replied:
-Well, I really don't see a reason why people act like this towards you. I've known you for like 3 minutes now, and I can already tell how wonderful your personality is-he slightly blushed-and looks of course.
This is the first time in years someone complimented her. Her cheeks went red and her heart started beating faster.
-Sooo... where shall we go?-he slightly pulled her to walk along with him- I can smell it's caramel latte, is that your favourite coffee?
-Well hehe is-she felt head over heels happy.
They went to the shop and got some coffee. Two lattes, to be specific. Shady wanted to return him the money for the coffee. He rejected it.
-Stop joking, I said it's on me-he looked into her eyes- And anyways, it'd be so mean for me, a man to not pay for a lady.
They just drank the coffee in silence as suddenly Shady said:
-Oh anyways! I forgot to introduce myself-she giggled-I'm Ola, or as others like to call me "Shady"
-Hi Olka-he grinned-I'm Palarie. Or as others like to call me, Vinicius.
She smiled.
-It's nice to meet you Vinicius.
-Same here-he finished his coffee and so did she. She started looking at the sky. It was September, so the sky has already gone dark.
-Do you need a ride?-he asked
-That's too much to ask for...-she looked down
-No! I'd love to drive you home-he smiled warmly at her-let's go
A few minutes later, they were at a parking lot. He walked up to his car as she followed him. It was a black c class mercedes.
-Woaaah, nice car you have there!-she was amazed.
-Thank you! So..where do you live?
-In the south. Kollataj street 2a, to be specific...
After a few mins of driving, they arrived.
-Hey uhm-he started scratching the back of his head and clearly looked slightly embarrassed-care to give me your phone number?
She was surprised.
-Sure! It's 639 265 385
-Thanks a lot dear. I'll text you later if you don't mind.
-Of course I don't. Have a safe trip, see you!
He left, and she felt as happy as ever. Her eyes finally started to shine like little diamonds again. She felt butterflies in her stomach. "Is"
She thought. "N-no it can't be!" . She tried to reject the thought, but she couldn't stop thinking about him. He was what she wanted from a man.
She layed down in her bed and kept thinking about him when suddenly her phone beeped.
It was a message from Palarie. It went:
"Hi, it's me. The guy you spilled your coffee on 😁. Don't worry, I just ordered a whole bunch of black lycra shirts-they won't get that dirty! Anyways...would you care to go on a lunch with me tomorrow? 4 PM, the Slow restaurant. Wasn't really planning on going there any time soon but I'd love to get to know you better. Let me know. Bye bye"
She replied asap:
"Hi, I'm glad 😊 I'd love to go there with you, I heard they have delicious baguettes. Bye bye!"
She again couldn't sleep. But this time, it was because of how happy she felt finally....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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