Teenage Rebellion

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Lin did it. Lin did what every teen does in the movies when they lose their Best Friend. She dyed her hair blonde and cut up all her designer clothes. The only hard part about her "rebellion"  was convincing her butler to take her out of the country.

"Ben..." Lin said hesitant"

"Yes?" Ben said slightly annoyed

"I- I need a big favor..."

"Go on"

" It's not an easy favor."

"Go on"

"I need you to take me..."

"To where- Burger King?"

"No, to New York"

"Haha very funny"

"I'm not joking"


"Well... say something Ben!"


"By say something I meant say yes."



"Okay, what's up with you Lin?"

"Excuse me-"

"Your dying your hair and RUINING clothes that cost THOUSANDS of dollars!"

"This is NO way to talk to your future queen."


"I'm not asking anymore, this is an order. Take me to New York"


"That's Princess Lin to you, If you want to keep your job I suggest you follow orders this is the last time I'll say it. A future queen shall not beg a peasant."

"Lin- I mean, Princess Lin, Shall we drive the new limo to New York?"

"Yes, thank you Ben."

"No problem Princess."


"Yes Princess."

"Can you call someone for me?"

"Lemme guess that "hot" boy on the street."


Ben rolls his eyes while Lin smiles just thinking of Kyles smile.
And just like that Ben dialed Kyle's phone number as Lin's stomach decided to do cartwheels.

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