Ant x Spider = the map-

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Ant ran towards the so called "incest map" which some girl said was apparently in a hidden unused area of the school. It would make his long day a tad more interesting, so why not?
He ran alongside spider and a few other friends to go check it out.
It felt like a stampede with bulls in clothes with bags running towards something like food.
When it came to fights, people would run towards it like two magnets when opposites attract with their photos glued to their fingers- but this, this experience was different.

The room was filled with many people, as if people were squashed in a concert to make space for a mosh pit. He saw his name, embarrassed. But he knew about his situation... he didn't know about the others. And so, he kept on reading.


He saw his cousin on the map

and the line connected to spider.

"What. The. Fuck?" He grunted, not believing what he saw.
"She- there's no way."

Ant's cousin, in the year below, had a one night stand with his best friend. The worst part for him, was that they did this knowingly of the fact they are both prominent people of Ant's life.

Ant left, not even talking to anyone. His head was filled with jumbled up words expressing anger, fury and irritation.
All he could feel was contant jitters around his thigh.

Spider's perspective:
Looking at the incest map, spider gasped, for what he thought was never going to happen, was in the process of happening. Forgetting about all of the other noted lines linked to people, the long, swiggly "one night stand" line caught his attention.

Who on earth knows about us? If I kept it secret, the only one to blame is her.


I need to text Ant.
Where is he?

Spider: Hey, bruh
wya??? U just left?

Ant: Spider wtf

Spider: what?

Ant: Don't play dumb
                                    I know what u did.
What the hell is wrong with u ?

Spider: look, bro I can explain

Ant: I dont need your explanations spider. This "one night stand" says enough. Bro...?
The worst thing is... you know how my family is- strictly religious and all- she's probably gonna be off at a camp for punishment- Idek man.
Plus, she's flipping younger than you???
And before you say "she is 17 she can make her own decisions,"
Remember that you could've reminded her
How close we are and not participated.

Spider: Bro i pr-

Ant: if you needed a one night stand- could've done it with someone else. Rather than my fuckin cuzzy mate. So cooked bro.

Spider put his phone back into his pocket, his face was horrified. His cousin went to hartley high, and was 3 months younger than him but they were divided by the month that determined what year you were in.
His mind couldn't stop running. Confused on what to do and worried Ant was not planning on speaking to him again, he took a deep breath. Subsequent to this moment of intake and absorbing the situation, he felt a grip on his hand, suddenly pulling him towards and exit out of the crowd. For the first time, his height didn't help him in a crowd. He didn't know whos hand was pulling him, and when he tried to resist, the hand would pull the ring on his finger.
So, he gave in, and let it pull him away.

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